St. Paul's Labyrinth: Jerry DesVoignes and One Voice Harmonic Choir



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Free admission


Concerts, Performing Arts

Come walk the Labyrinth to the powerful, soothing and healing sounds of Jerry DesVoignes and members of the One Voice Harmonic Choir.  Be transported by rich, organic soundcapses created by the deep, sub-harmonic Tibetan sounds of throat singing; be moved by ancient songs and chants accompanied by Tibetan bowls and bells, gongs and conch shells; and be inspired by the stunning theatrical experience of this amazing, musical ensemble.

The Labyrinth at St. Paul’s is a walking meditation space.  On the last Friday of the month, it hosts some of the best contemplative musicians in Vancouver, drawing from many spiritual and musical traditions.   Please join us between 7pm and 9pm and ease away the stresses of the day by walking and reflecting to live music.  Everyone welcomed. Free admission. Wheelchair accessible.