Sarah Palin interview complete with turkey beheadings

Former U.S. vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin gave a televised interview to MSNBC at a turkey farm yesterday (November 20).

In the video, while she discusses her campaign, future plans, and oil prices, a turkey farmer in the background can be seen processing and beheading turkeys.

At one point, Palin mentions that she’ll probably be criticized for being there.

She then turns around, looks at the farmer, and says that, regardless, being there was “fun”.

Ironically, the interview was conducted right after Palin had “pardoned” a turkey--an annual tradition for the governor, as well as at the White House, in which a turkey is pardoned from being slaughtered.

Toward the end of the interview, Palin notes that she was always in charge of preparing the Thanksgiving turkey and--with that trademark Palin wink--says that she was in the right place, referring to the turkey farm.




Nov 21, 2008 at 4:30pm

I've quoted a wonderfully demented chap named Boris Moris who posted this in the Village Voice in an article from Oct. 7.

"It is difficult not to trench unto pure misogyny when dissing the abysmal Sarah Palin, but let he or she cast the first stone who would not also clamber aboard the US political fantasy factory machine for a ride, if only at the behest of a quasi-senile desperado, and further, just for the pure fun of it all.

I warned before about the bona fides of this nomination. The very same people who brought us Clarence Thomas as a cruel racist joke upon affirmative action, brought us Sarah Palin as an even crueler sexist joke upon those seeking sexual equality. Both were utterly unqualified, but for their skin and genitalia. Both were intellectually challenged. Does the name George Bush ring any bells? And both nominations exploited legitimate concerns regarding racism and sexism in order to advance their own agenda.

The source of these unpalatable candidates always seems to be those Superficiallly Protestant Ethically-challenged Republican Males (aka SPERM) who have always monopolized the US government and treated it like their own personal property. It is a toy with which they both self-enrich (Who wants $700 billion!?), and self-amuse themselves (Its 'election' time!).

Sarah Palin tells us all we need to know about the US political system: it is irretrievably bankrupt of any and all sense, all principles, and all integrity, and no amount of money or lipstick will hide the fact that the Great American Lardmass, in its indifference to the slaughter and torture perpetrated in its name, and its benign resigned tolerance of its own enslavement, has itself become absolutely corrupt."

Apparently this gifted scribe is a Canuck from 'round these here parts.
I hope you take kindly to his virtual vituperativeness.

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