Shameless Dance Flick gives a few giggles

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      Starring Damon Wayans Jr. and Shoshana Bush. Rated 14A.

      If you can look past the fart gags, the fat jokes, and the break-dance battler whose signature move is to stick his head up his ass, Dance Flick has moments that get close to the reckless subversiveness of old In Living Color episodes.

      Watch the trailer for Dance Flick.

      Helmed by a second generation of Wayanses—Damien Dante on directing duties, Damon Jr. in the lead—Flick, following the formula of their predecessors’ Scary Movie, is a scattershot series of sketches parodying Save the Last Dance, Step Up, Stomp the Yard, and many more. Shoshana Bush plays a Julia Stiles–style former ballet dancer who hooks up with hip-hop gangsta Thomas (Wayans Jr.) at Musical High School, and the movie’s at its best when it’s taking the piss out of the patronizing, racially and socially feel-good messages of so many teen dance movies.

      Beyond politically incorrect, the Wayanses, old and young, are equal-opportunity offenders. That means there’s an African-American teen mom who stashes her Snugli baby carrier in her school locker all day—with the infant still in it. There’s also a rousing musical number that recasts Fame’s theme song into “Gay!”, the coming-out anthem for a not-so-masculine Zac Efron stand-in.

      It’s all geared to the attention span of the average crack-addled two-year-old. And there are way too many easy pop-culture groaners—say, the Breathalyzer whose levels read “Mel Gibson”, “Kiefer Sutherland”, and “Amy Winehouse”, or Halle Berry fleeing a gruesome hit-and-run in her Catwoman costume.

      But don’t be surprised to find yourself laughing at a few of the more outrageous gags. Shamelessness can go a long way. There’s the B-girl who won’t let nine months of pregnancy keep her from battling. Or the sight of David Alan Grier, in a blimp-scale fat suit, busting body rocks that punch craters into the dance floor. And come to think of it, that guy sticking his head up his ass was kind of funny.




      May 25, 2009 at 3:37pm

      Whos the guy on the right that played as channing tatum.????