Dry skin meets its dewy match with MyFaceWorks intense hydrating mask

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      Almost as soon as I left my teenage years, the skin on my face stopped looking like an oil spill had just happened (just kidding, it wasn't that bad, but you get the point). Now, I pretty much have sensitive, combination skin (with a tendency towards the dry), and I've learned how to handle it. I use basic products, like whatever gentle cleanser happens to be on sale at the drugstore when I run out, diligently wash my face twice a day, and use baby oil to moisturize dry spots. I almost never use masks because, for the most part, I find that they suck all of the moisture from my skin and end up causing more irritations.

      About a week ago, I thought I'd go against all sense and logic and try out a new sheet mask by Vancouver-based company MyFaceWorks. A sheet mask is different from a clay or gel mask in that the contents of the mask are presoaked in a paper-thin, white sheet. In this case, there are cutouts for your eyes, nose, and mouth, so you just end up looking a little like Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th for about 15 minutes while you have it on (or at least this is who my partner told me I looked like).

      MyFaceWorks makes 13 different types of masks geared towards different skin types, such as "I Need to be Firm", which contains collagen-boosting properties, "I Need to Detox", which has calming green tea extracts, and "I Need to Wake Up", which smells like a fresh slice of citrus. I used the "I Need to Replenish" mask, which is an intense hydrating mask.

      All of the masks come in individually sealed packages, and when you take out and unfold the mask, the texture is similar to a wet-nap or baby wipe. The rest is easy: you just plop the mask on your face and give it about 15 minutes to do its magic.

      I have to say, the mask didn't sting or irritate my skin at all, and the silk fabric that the mask is made from felt cool and soft while on my face. Afterwards, my face felt dewy, even before I rubbed moisturizer on, and I think I looked quite radiant (if I don't say so myself) the day after. The only aspect that I didn't like as much was that it felt a little slimy when I went to peel it off, and I wasn't completely convinced as to whether my pores were all that much cleaner.

      If you want to try it out, MyFaceWorks masks are available in boxes of six for $60 at Beauty Mark (1268 Pacific Boulevard). You can also purchase a Starter Kit, which contains six different masks, for $45, or single mask for $9 at the MyFaceWorks website

      You can follow Michelle da Silva on Twitter at twitter.com/michdas.




      Apr 10, 2012 at 1:13am

      Last weekend when I used "Myfaceworks" mask. It turned my face so sensitive, felt like burning. Also, my facial skin-color became as red as an apple and it has haunted me for whole week before getting better. I was so surprise that this kind of product has not been banned from the market yet.