Jim Morrison proclaims in lost interview: "Fat is beautiful!"

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      PBS has published an animated video of a 1969 interview with Jim Morrison, in which he talks to journalist Howard Smith about how he overate at college and why he thinks that "fat is beautiful!"

      The video is part of the PBS series Blank on Blank, in which the network finds and animates "Lost" vintage interviews, and in light of today's weight-crazy world, Morrison's characteristically narcissistic take on being overweight: "I felt like a large mammal, a big beast," is a breath of fresh air.




      Mar 19, 2014 at 8:50am

      accepting his heavier weight is "narcissistic"? give the guy a break. he was obviously being extremely accepting of heavier people. that's great, i think. i don't know why you have to spin it as an ego thing. he obviously was quite self effacing person, considering his great talent (not to mention beauty).