Every Young Man's Battle might be the best anti-porn PSA. Ever.

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      This Christian anti-porn PSA really gets to the heart of what's wrong with young men today. Instead of pulling all-nighters to get their college papers finished by deadline, they're busy pulling something else at porn-watching parties with their sleazy buddies. There is absolutely no gay subtext whatsoever to the fact that, rather than watching "chicks" at his porcine friend's house, our ginger protagonist seeks shelter behind the closed door of the molester-mustached Professor Harper. It's probably not even worth noting that, instead of teaching in a lecture hall, Harper seems to tutor his small classes (which are composed exclusively of young men) in the privacy of his own home.

      I don't know about you, but I'm going to be dropping the phrase "special buzz juice" into conversation every chance I get from now on.

      Incidentally, the video above was edited together from the "dramatic vignettes" in a longer documentary, which you can watch below if you're a masochist. If you do, you'll learn that a young man's battle with pornography is a lot like being in a college football team's locker room, surrounded by other young men, glistening with sweat after a game and ready to get naked and shower side-by-side, soap lather dripping from their toned physiques. Again, there's nothing at all homoerotic about that.




      Sep 4, 2013 at 7:29pm

      Such Oscar winning performances.


      Sep 4, 2013 at 9:04pm

      This has to be a gag. The editing alone...no, just no.

      A. MacInnis

      Sep 5, 2013 at 10:25am

      This video makes me want to masturbate, but not to this video.


      Sep 5, 2013 at 11:06am

      Ok, the video is not too good, but I can't slam it for the message it is trying to get across.

      John Lucas

      Sep 5, 2013 at 2:48pm

      What's the message? "Don't jerk off"?

      Silver Top

      Sep 5, 2013 at 7:06pm

      Creepy elder.