10 restaurant pet peeves

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      The other night, my husband and I endured an awful meal at a casual West Side eatery. It took 45 minutes to deliver two clubhouse sandwiches. The harried server didn't apologize and just passed it off as the kitchen being very busy.

      Sure, it was Friday night. Therefore, the kitchen being very busy is understood. But shouldn't there be more staff in the kitchen to take care of issues like that? We were also squeezed near a mature lovey-dovey couple on a romantic date and who seemed equally embarrassed to be seated next to us. There were plenty of empty tables elsewhere in the restaurant.

      It made me think of some of my restaurant pet peeves, which I am sharing with you—given how expensive eating out can be.

      1. Overcrowded restaurants where you're offered the bar to dine on, yet you pay full menu price.

      2. Cheeky servers who insist you drink sparkled or still water so that they can get a higher tip at the end. I understand that tips matter—and they should—but shouldn't customer service come first?

      3. Entrées that suggest a vegetable yet all you're served is roasted zucchini. It's one of the cheapest vegetables that you find in the market. I would rather stick with carrots and potatoes, which are just as inexpensive.

      4. Packed dining rooms with insufficient lighting and a band singing country music without any sense of the volume required for the size of the space.

      5. Must every casual restaurant have the same dessert menu? Examples include mocha mud pies, ice cream sandwiches, and something with lemon in it. How about plain old chocolate mousse? No imagination there.

      6. Cramped tables where your conversation has to be stilted because you're so frightened that other people will hear.

      7. Ordering green salad with a burger. It shows up with a splash of diluted dressing that might as well be cold water.

      8. Disapproving looks from the server when you don't order wine.

      9. General cockiness in the air.

      10. Paying extra for parking because the service was so slow or the meal took so long to arrive.

      It all starts at the top. The front-line staff is only reflective of management. When they're well-trained with high standards, it doesn't matter how busy or short-staffed you are. You still put the customer first.




      Jun 21, 2015 at 10:18am

      people with out of control screaming kids

      Stephen Rees

      Jun 21, 2015 at 12:19pm

      To the servers: please do not wait until my mouth is full before asking me "How is everything tasting?" You are wasting your time as I will not reply with my mouth full.

      0 0Rating: 0


      Jun 21, 2015 at 12:42pm

      Weird post/rant about non issues. This is exactly the attitude that's rampant in Vancouver. The sense of entitlement is overwhelming.

      Another pet peeve

      Jun 21, 2015 at 2:28pm

      If people don't get the joke about country music, f*** em. My pet peeve is restaurants which hire based on looks instead of competence.

      0 0Rating: 0


      Jun 21, 2015 at 2:48pm

      Screaming and running kids, overly friendly wait staff who like to chat, cold food, seated to close to other people when there are lots of empty tables (I know it’s easier for you when everyone’s close together... too bad). Too-old coffee, soggy fries or the last little french fry bits... there are hundreds, but in the end I guess these are first world problems. At least we have food and water in abundance.


      Jun 21, 2015 at 3:12pm

      Simple solution - do not patronize those restaurants.

      You can also use social media and restaurant rating sites to make your displeasure known so that others can avoid it.

      0 0Rating: 0

      Kyle Gignac

      Jun 26, 2015 at 11:19am

      Sounds like someone is dining at the wrong restaurants, in which case it is more the author's fault.