Homeless in Vancouver: Drinking in the evening view from Hemlock Street

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      Even after the sun had gone down on Saturday evening (September 5) the north sky continued to be an attention getter in my part of the Fairview neighbourhood.

      The sight of the slate blue clouds against the deepening lapis lazuli of the sky—with just a thin yellow luminance atop the horizon line—was stirring enough to share, I thought.

      The two women with smartphones pointed at the sky who beat me to a good spot off West Broadway at Alder Street appeared to agree with me. (One of them even waved as I rode by.)

      My panoramic photo of the north sky was taken at 9:20 p.m., two blocks west of Alder Street, from an alley on the southeast corner of the intersection of West Broadway and Hemlock Street.

      If anything, this was an even better vantage point, without the glowing downtown skyscrapers to compete for attention with the electric sky and sombre clouds. Only the rather tactless reflective-skinned building kitty corner at 1401 West Broadway Avenue intruded into the shot like, ah…like a sore thumb.

      Stanley Q. Woodvine is a homeless resident of Vancouver who has worked in the past as an illustrator, graphic designer, and writer. Follow Stanley on Twitter at @sqwabb.
