Sony launches PlayStation 4 with announcements about new exclusives

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      Sony’s PlayStation 4 is on shelves as of today (November 15), and in addition to staging midnight events across Canada and the U.S., the company counted down the last hour to release with a big, public event in New York City.

      The Standard Hotel along New York City’s Highline was turned into PlayStation 4 central this week, hosting media earlier in the week and on Wednesday and Thursday letting fans get their hands on the new game system.

      And last night, during a one-hour special on Spike TV, Sony provided a few more reasons for gamers to consider getting a PS4.

      A new game in the Uncharted franchise was teased with a trailer.

      Also revealed was the release date for Infamous: Second Son, from Seattle’s Sucker Punch Games. The third game in the action series, a PS4 exclusive, will ship on March 21, 2014.

      There was also news for PS3 owners. Left Behind is the name of the downloadable add-on for The Last of Us. It’s takes place before the events of the PS3 game, and will tell the story of Ellie while she was growing up in the quarantine zone.

      It wasn’t all Sony, either. Bungie’s Pete Parsons introduced a new trailer showing in-game footage for the first-person shooter.

      Parsons also revealed that The Destiny beta will be made available first to PS3 and PS4 players. The game will also be available for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. To get access to the beta, fans need to pre-order the game, coming in 2014.

      And Hideo Kojima revealed an exclusive Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes mission for PlayStation 4. In Deja Vu, the characters look like they did in the original game. Kojima called it the “Classic Snake” look.

      As the countdown came to an end, Sony Computer Entertainment president Andrew House and Sony U.S. president Jack Tretton sold the first PS4. Meanwhile, in Toronto, that honour went to Matt Levitan, PlayStation Canada’s marketing director and Stephen Turvey, Sony Canada general manager.

      The PlayStation 4 launch video highlights some of the other games coming to the system in the next year, including Driveclub, The Order: 1886, and Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs.
