The Georgia Straight proudly sponsors the 2015 PuSh International Performing Arts Festival

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      The 11th annual PuSh International Performing Arts Festival takes place January 20 to February 8, 2015 at various venues across Vancouver.

      The festival presents groundbreaking work in theatre, dance, music, and various forms of multimedia and hybrid performance. This year’s festival includes works by artists from across Canada, as well as Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, and the U.S.

      Main stage performances include Scotland’s Rob Drummond in Bullet Catch, Australia’s Tim Watts in The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik, Belgium’s Lisbeth Gruwez/Voetvolk in It’s Going to Get Worse and Worse and Worse, My Friend, Germany’s Grace Schwindt in Only a Free Individual can Create a Free Society, Belgium’s Kate McIntosh in Dark Matter, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Studios Kabako in Le Cargo, the Netherland’s Dries Verhoeven in Fare Thee Well!, Czech Republic’s Iva Bittova’s self-titled show, and the Netherland’s Lotte van den Berg in Cinema Imaginaire.

      From Canada, highlights include Louise Lecavalier in So Blue, Les 7 doights de la main in Sequence 8, Sylvain Emard Dance in Le Grand Continental, Anita Majumdar in The Fish Eyes Trilogy, STO Union in 7 Important Things, Alanna Mitchell in Sea Sick, MACHiNENOiSY in Time Machine, Fight with a Stick in Steppenwolf, and red diva projects with Visceral Visions in The Road Forward.

      Tickets to PuSh can be purchased online in advance. Early bird passes are available until December 11.
