Rex Murphy leaves the Globe and Mail, according to Peter Mansbridge

Last July, I jotted down five ideas for how  the Globe and Mail's new editor-in-chief, John Stackhouse, could improve  his paper.

The first thing I wrote was "Less Rex Murphy, please". I was tired of reading Murphy's skepticism about the reality of climate change--a viewpoint we hear enough of in the National Post and other Canwest newspapers as well as on private radio stations.

This week, I was delighted to hear the CBC's chief correspondent, Peter Mansbridge, announce on the national news that Murphy will be writing his columns in the future for the National Post. It means no more Murphy on the opinion page of the Saturday Globe and Mail.

I don't know if Murphy jumped or if he was pushed by Stackhouse. Regardless, I'm looking forward to picking up a Saturday  Globe and Mail  without one of  Murphy's typically ill-informed attacks on climate-change  scientists.

I'll close with one scary thought. One of the five vacant seats in the  Senate is for Newfoundland and Labrador. There are currently 49 Liberals, 46 Conservatives, two Progressive Conservatives and three others in the Senate.

If Harper fills all five vacancies with Conservatives, he will have  a narrow  majority in the upper house with the support of the two Progressive Conservatives.

And who best to represent Newfoundland and Labrador in the Senate  than Murphy, a confirmed skeptic on climate change?

He has lost three provincial campaigns--once as a Tory and twice as a Liberal. That alone makes him a prime prospect for the chamber of sober, second thought.

In the 1980s, Murphy  also worked for a former Liberal premier, Clyde Wells.

By appointing Murphy, Harper could burnish his credentials as a supposed centrist and  win some votes from CBC viewers and listeners.

There's one other benefit:  Harper would have a high-profile Newfoundlander who could  serve as  his attack dog against Premier Danny Williams.

Harper could also rest assured that this newest senator from Newfoundland and Labrador wouldn't create any problems for the Alberta oil and gas industry.

Of course, Murphy  hasn't always been so fond of the Senate.  Last August, he described it in a Globe and Mail column as  "the ultimate patronage ATM", adding that "it extorts subservience and sycophancy from those appointed to it."

"It does not have second thoughts," Murphy declared.  "A second thought would kill it."

But the public and the media have short memories. No doubt, all the other media hacks who've been appointed to the Senate have uttered their own criticisms of the upper chamber  in the past, and it didn't stop prime ministers from presenting them with the ultimate  retirement gift.

Besides, with Canwest Publishing going  into bankruptcy protection, Murphy can't count on a great deal of job security as a National Post newspaper columnist.





Jan 9, 2010 at 4:26am


Rex Murphy is very informed about climate change. It is the main stream media that is yet to do proper investigative reporting on this sordid topic. I assume the G&M could not handle the reality, having drunk Al Gore coolaid along with most of the other media outlets. It's hard to climb down from such a position once you have taken it. But this year will show people like Rex to be correct in their skepticism of the "science".

Meme Mine

Jan 9, 2010 at 4:51am

Newspaper editors and David Nutzuki will be charged by the Canadian Courts for their failed attempt to lead us to a false WMD like war against a false enemy of climate variation, er change.
Lockem UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 9, 2010 at 10:36am

Just what the NP needs, another nitwit climate change denier - and one who thinks that a thesaurus is a good substitute for an intellect at that! Any wonder why the paper has always lost money?

Ensign Deadmeat

Jan 9, 2010 at 11:21am

It's a sad day when climate skepticism is labeled "denial". Murphy is an intellectual giant compared to the mediocrities who are unable to read a Nature paper without a tutor and translator. The spoon-fed nature of most science writing is a disgrace. Without tackling climate change head on Dan Gardner wrote tellingly why we can't trust advocacy based press and the advocates who treat them like muppets.


Jan 9, 2010 at 11:29am

Climate-change deniers need to read the actual science, not the spewings of their ideological sources.


Jan 9, 2010 at 11:35am

Nice start, now if only the CBC would toss the tosser all will be well.

John W.

Jan 9, 2010 at 11:40am

Agree completely. How cab a major national newspaper continue with a columnist who simply picks the easiest most vulnerable target of the weak and then piles on with the most grossly affected writing style in Canadian journalism. Devoid of any original insights week after week.

John Curtis

Jan 9, 2010 at 2:13pm

As a Newfoundlander I would love to see Rex Murphy represent us as a the hell out of Fabian Manning.


Jan 9, 2010 at 2:25pm

I lost a lot of respect for Rex Murphy when I heard him mope on about how the big "email scandal" supposedly canceled out the life's work of thousands of scientists all over the world.

He alleged that, according to these emails, somebody had somehow deleted forever a huge climate dataset, as if all the world's climate data was entrusted to one person's USB memory stick. It shocked me that he could be so obtuse as to believe that, or he could believe that his audience would believe that.

I defer to him on English literature and arcane lexicography, but after this shining moment, I'll never think of him as any kind of scientist or eminent thinker beyond his narrow purview.

CbC un-fan

Jan 9, 2010 at 2:32pm

No longer shall I pinch my nostrils and prey no one sees me purchasing a copy of the Globe and Fail.

Now I get to enjoy Rex at my doorstep!