New Science World exhibition “Earth Matters” shares the impacts of climate change

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      It’s never too early to teach kids about climate change.

      Later this month, Science World will unveil a new exhibition, Earth Matters, aimed to do just that. This interactive exhibit, which was designed to provoke critical thinking, underscores the urgent need to address our collective impact on climate change.

      Topics include biodiversity, rising global temperatures, and carbon emissions, explored through fully interactive exhibits that can be enjoyed by all ages. Visitors can see a projection map of a coral reef, use a mechanical pump to visualize how much water is used for everyday items, and more.

      Earth Matters presents an opportunity for visitors of all ages to discover the interconnectedness of global ecosystems and the impact of climate change on our shared planet,” shares Brian Anderson, Director of Performance and Fun Times at Science World and co-curator of the exhibition, in a statement. “Even the smallest steps can catalyze positive change, from everyday habits to grassroots innovations, our guests will be inspired to realize their potential in shaping a more sustainable future.”

      Earth Matters

      May 31 to January 9, 2025

      Where: Science World
