think of yourself next you you ask whats wrong with this world

I'm writing this because I have never experienced or even seen a more disgusting human behavior in my life!... July 5th between 5 pm and 7:30 pm I mistakenly was hit by a serious case of sunstroke, I was walking down commercial drive after along day of working outside, not realizing the situation that was about to occur, I started feeling odd I decided to find shade immediately would be best, I ended up siting on the grass on the corner of E 5th ave and Bauer just off commercial drive. I should have been hospitalized, siting up right on the grass pouring sweat, swaying back and forth obviously needing medical attention, I want to say THANK YOU to the four young guys who were in the park who came over to me and loudly conversed if they should ROB ME!!! I want to say THANK YOU to the small group of young girls that came over and started yelling at me (I don't belong there, I should leave! ) I want to again thank the female Yellow Cab dispatcher that didn't care about the situation after explained, who was so unbelievably rude! I also want to thank the cab driver of the yellow cab service who was also VERY rude inconsiderate and ignorant towards someone obviously having a serious medical problem!! I almost died I was lying on the grass and my life was seriously passing before my eyes all I could think of my was girlfriend and the baby that I was just told we are having.This up-most disgusting display of humanity on this level is the saddest. To the cab driver, you we're ignorant, however I do wish to thank you, I feel you saved my life... thank you. To anyone who reads this, next time we here the words "what is wrong with this world?" think of yourselves first and how we interact with others, because we can change this world but it starts with you!

When: Sunday, July, 7 2013

Where: commercial drive



Rhetoric of Peace and Love

Jul 7, 2013 at 1:10pm

is obviously not in synch with the reality of this neighbourhood . . . . Sorry that happened to you, man.

I'm sorry...

Jul 7, 2013 at 4:50pm

...that people were so terrible to you! I certainly would have helped. And you're right, that is a disgusting display of humanity at the saddest level. I'm sure you'll raise your kid to be the kind of person to help someone in need. :)

PS - Congratulations!