Hey, bike messenger... the world's not against you!

You caught my eye as you waited to cross at a red light on Granville and Pender. I liked your style so I tried to make eye contact while crossing the street. Then, I heard you mutter under your breath "Was that a dirty look you just gave me?". Unsure of whether you were talking to me or not and hoping to reassure you that it wasn't, I turned around but only to have you yell angrily at me: " What's wrong with you people? I saw you both giving me dirty looks! (not sure who else you were referring to!) It's like everyone just hates me because I'm a bike messenger!" WOAH… well I wasn't too sure what to reply after that! Hey, bike messenger… the world's not against you! Why don't you try a smile next time?

When: Tuesday, May, 13 2014

Where: Granville and Pender




May 25, 2014 at 6:53am

This sounds made up and imaginary.

0 0Rating: 0


May 27, 2014 at 11:56am

It's a crappy job and no way in hell i would want to do that crap... Of course he's miserable lol.

3 12Rating: -9