Sat. 6pm, Commercial Drive, Falconetti's or Cannibal Cafe

We used to pass by one another on Commercial Drive (between Broadway and 3rd, walking on the East side of the street, you going North, me South towards the train) most mornings around 8am, back in January. We'd nod and sometimes smile... and then my schedule changed. I'm guessing you work somewhere on the Drive. You have dark hair, warm eyes, wear black shirts, a hat, and you walk fast. Once I saw you with a friend of mine - you and I acknowledged one another but didn't talk, and he made a comment about my dress. I saw you today as I was going home, around 6pm - at least I think that was you. You were either at Falconetti's or Cannibal Cafe, sitting at the bar, corner seat, talking to someone. I've been wondering who you are and where to find you...

When: Saturday, November, 28 2015

Where: Falconetti's or Cannibal Cafe, Commercial Drive
