Seabus smiles & cycling adventures!

We were both with our bikes and getting off the Seabus around 5p at Waterfront Station. We shared an elevator to get from the Seabus to the street level and talked about bikes, bikepacking, and summer adventures, and that you had to go to work on this beautiful weekend. It was a pleasure meeting you ever so briefly, and I hope we can meet again. You have a beautiful smile and an adventurous spirit. I'm glad we had time for a brief chat and I caught your name - Rachel the RMT who lives in Kits and works on the North Shore. It would be nice to meet you again, for coffee, bike ride, or a fun adventure date. If you see this, I'd love to hear from from you.

When: Friday, May, 14 2021

Where: Seabus Waterfront Terminal - Elevator
