VIFF 2014: Rocks In My Pockets is animatedly innovative

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      Rocks In My Pockets (USA/Latvia)  

      A rough-and-ready, if not always pleasant, animation style—combining stop-motion with painted and drawn effects—is the main reason to see this tale of madness and suffering passed through three generations of Eastern European women, starting in Latvia and ending in the U.S. with filmmaker Signe Baumane and her own struggles with depression. Her recollection of multiple dreams stifled by oppression, war, and troubled genes has much value, but the experience itself is smothered by her relentless narration, which exhaustingly describes everything she already worked so hard to put on paper.

      Cinematheque, October 4 (2:15 p.m.) and 7 (12:30 p.m.); SFU, October 5 (7 p.m.)  
