At the bus stop on Nanaimo and Broadway, I asked is it was alright if I had smoke....

We were waiting for the number 7 dunbar around 12:15pm. This was at Nanaimo and Broadway. I asked you if it was alright I had a smoke....and I said it is weed. You said it was alright and I offered you a toke. You accepted had a couple puffs and then the bus came. We chatted on the bus, you said you work at Moxies and only worked an hour. I said I am a sous chef. We exchanged names. You said you had some beers with co workers and I said I am dying for a beer after a bit of a rough day at work. Anyways you got off at your stop, you have such a sweet smile and would love to smoke the rest of that joint sometime! Hope you read this.....

When: Thursday, March, 2 2017

Where: Nanaimo and Broadway
