B.C. government unveils $5 million HST information campaign

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      The B.C. government says it will spend up to $5 million on a television, print, and online campaign meant to help voters get informed before the upcoming HST referendum.

      Finance Minister Kevin Falcon today (May 12) unveiled the campaign, which will run until early July.

      Information on the campaign website—www.HSTinBC.ca—shows British Columbians have significant misunderstandings about the 12-percent tax, the government says.

      These include incorrect beliefs about the costs under the HST for basic groceries, electronics like iPods, and prescription drugs, according to a government news release.

      “With the important decision British Columbians have to make this summer, this information campaign encourages them to get the information they need to make the most informed decision they can,” the news release says.

      B.C. voters will be asked in the provincewide referendum if the HST, which came into effect in July 2010, should be extinguished and the provincial sales tax and federal GST reinstated.

      The referendum stems from last summer’s successful anti-HST petition, which gathered signatures from at least 10 percent of voters in each of B.C.’s 85 electoral districts.

      The mail-in HST referendum ballots will be due by July 22, according to Elections B.C.




      May 12, 2011 at 3:31pm

      The Muffin Factor is the best response to those who argue that the HST simplifies taxation.

      HST is applied differently to muffins based on how many you buy and whether the muffins are "sweetened"

      Just say no to multi-tiered muffin tax fuckery.


      May 12, 2011 at 4:01pm

      They keep trying to tell us that we are confused. I know about about the HST then do about any taxes ever. We are not stupid we understand. What a waste of money they try to be neurtal yet they put a link where the HST propoganda. Dont they think they have better things to spend 5 million on.

      Laura Huhn

      May 12, 2011 at 4:25pm

      its states it's not even the actual information, this article states its a campaign to encourage us tax payers to get more information about it...wtf....anyone else ready to storm parliment??? I fire you government!


      May 12, 2011 at 5:53pm

      I had to walk by the Social Assistance office today - it was packed - so um- how about getting rid of the hst and spending that $5 million on helping these people get jobs!!?? How retarded our government is.


      May 12, 2011 at 6:04pm

      I'm afraid that we may not have asked for the HST but we did ask for a referendum and the costs associated with it. The referendum should have happened 2 years ago when harmonizing the tax with the feds was being negotiated.

      Taxpayers R Us

      May 12, 2011 at 8:19pm

      Van Point-Grey should shed some light on how it's affecting their popularity - a newcomer like Eby nearly took down the premier.

      Infuriating that they'd go and spend $5,000,000 of our dollars to get a stickman my kid could draw to tell us we're idiots.

      Yup. You've gotta love BC politics.

      glen p robbins

      May 12, 2011 at 8:39pm

      Falcon indicated that not one dollar would be spent trying to persuade British Columbians - it was $5 million of information only.

      This means of course that based on the history of lies and deceit associated with the HST - the fact that one of the arguments for keeping it is the cost of undoing the lie (your own money ya stupid bitches)----and most recently Jim Dinning's report that the information provided to date by the BC Liberal government was false - and yet again the information by Dinning that the $325 cost of HST to each family -- was only based on average purchases and NO extraordinary purchases - which would raise this amount to the $1,000 ROBBINS originally announced way back when.

      Against this history - this background - Falcon makes the biggest mistake of his career and says not one dollar of the $5 million will be used to persuade British Columbians on the HST.

      There is no chance -- that the BC Liberals can do this. Watch the BC Conservatives replace the BC Liberals ---------------no way Christy Clark can hold this - but watch for a major push by the retail press - the cheat factor is going to go through the stratosphere.

      Most recent cheats: Stephen Harper on Bill Good on federal election day;
      Keith Baldrey announcing at dinner news hour - the night of the by-election that if Christy loses she might call a provincial election ---- no way should this type of speculation be permitted on election day - what if some voters said - let the little witch in now so we don't have to go to a general election right after a federal election?

      BC vs Afghanistan/Pakistan/Uganda/Libya for right to best of the worst democracies.

      Ron S

      May 13, 2011 at 6:14am

      So now they use $5 mil to bullshit us with our own money. Spend it on upgrading schools, medical plan, hiring more nurses, more teachers. We already know the HST is the largest transfer of tax money to private industry in the history of BC and Canada. This government and the Federal government are corrupt to the core. Get the big snow shovel, we'll need it to shovel all the crap out the next election in BC and Federally!

      glen p robbins

      May 13, 2011 at 8:07am

      The fishing expedition proposed by ICBC-- with WWF wrestling response from minister Shirley Bond (well we'll see who is in charge - go get em Shirley girl!) for speeders is similar to the photo radar scheme - a cash grab. ICBC will target those who get A speeding ticket and raise their rates/ but use real driving douches with a hundred offenses as advertised example (maybe using that passive aggressive news broadcaster approach in commercials with another $100,000 to go - huh I like paying more - so should you)

      The additional monies raised to the Crown Corporation - off the government books - is the early set up by the Campbell Liberals (see Christy Clark - as pretty proxy "PP" no "PPP") to:

      a) raise monies to replace 1% off HST in year one and 1% down the line; OR alternatively TO:

      b) pay for the messy cost that Campbell created with his paper napkin (see Viagra receipt) calculation to bring in HST without any public consultation--------once the HST is voted out.

      G.J. W.

      May 13, 2011 at 8:34am

      The HST was out and out blatant tax grab. BC is a province of natural resources not a manufacturing province, the HST does nothing other than, steal from the people of BC, to give to big business. The HST was designed for big business and big business only. Besides idiot Campbell gave our HST to the other snake in the grass Harper.

      Harper gives, banks, mines, large corporations, gas and oil company's, billions of our tax dollars. They also get huge tax reductions. I saw that motion pass, on the House of Commons TV channel. Now the monster Harper, gave big business another tax reduction, which comes off Canadians paychecks.

      Perhaps Mr. Falcon should speak to Harper, regarding his theft of our tax money, being given to the wealthiest outfits in the world.

      So can it already about the HST. You would have to be as brain dead as Martyn Brown, not to see the damage the HST has done to this province and the BC people.

      The HST has cost us jobs. The HST has forced the cost of living through the roof. The HST has destroyed small businesses, BC people aren't left with any money, to support small businesses. Mr. Hochstein bragged, he has 2 trillion dollars to donate to the BC Liberals, to fight to keep the HST. I suggest, since Hochstein has money to throw away, Mr. Falcon should take one trillion of the throw away money, from Hochstein. Wealthy company's, should be paying the peoples HST for them.

      The cost of gas is asinine. I think Falcon really should have a word with Harper. He gives gas and oil company's, a big chunk of our tax money, and huge tax reductions. Stop playing the BC people for fools. Do they think we can't see that, we are being ripped off by the BC Liberals and Harper too?

      Christy and her Liberals say, it's ok we can trust them now. Forget it, there is still Campbell's theft and sale of the BCR, the valuable real estate, that went with the BCR. Who thieved that money? The forced HST on us.

      The theft and sale of our rivers. The eco damage of those thieved rivers, is horrific. All the BC Liberals, backed the monster Campbell to the hilt. Calling the BC people names, and we are supposed to trust them again? Not on your Nelly.