Rick Guenther: The BCTF must improve communications with others in public education

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      By Rick Guenther

      The 40,000 or so teachers who constitute the B.C. Teachers' Federation are, in some respects, as diverse as the geography of this province. Our personal, professional, and yes, even our political perspectives vary. However, we are unified by the collective purpose of public education, that of creating environments in which our students can grow socially and academically into responsible citizens.

      I believe that the organization representing teachers should reflect the democratic ideals that we expect our students to hold dear. And, those democratic ideals should include a vigorous electoral system. While elections for member-at-large positions on the BCTF executive are regularly contested, for a decade the leadership positions have been determined by acclamation.

      Succession has replaced election, with candidates following the path determined by the faction in which they are members. Who benefits when alternative perspectives are absent? In healthy democracies debate informs and encourages thoughtful decisions to the benefit of all.

      And so, I have offered my candidacy for the leadership of the BCTF.

      With many years of classroom experience and union activism under my belt I am confident that I can meet the demands of the role. My support for the social justice and international commitments of the BCTF are a matter of record and I fervently believe that we must be more than just a union.

      My platform weaves around the themes of communication, professionalism, and governance. Teachers, as individuals, enjoy high regard from the public. I believe that the BCTF, as an organization, should also enjoy that high regard.

      While our role as a union is vitally important to the working lives of our members, we should also be seen as the credible, trusted, and professional voice for public education. We certainly have the expertise and experience to support that goal.

      While we are well respected by other organizations, such as those engaged in the pursuit of social justice, and by teachers in other countries, I believe that we need to improve our relationships with groups that are more directly involved in public-education governance and policy making. And better communication can improve those relationships.

      Opportunities to engage in respectful conversations with government, parent groups, administrator groups, and representatives of other bodies with interests in public education need to be created and seized. Authentic conversations, in which both sides articulate views and actively listen, can only benefit the parties. Even if common ground cannot be found, and there is simply an agreement to disagree, the dialogue promotes better mutual understanding.

      It is no understatement to say that we, as an organization, are currently experiencing some problems and I have been told that “now is not the right time” to run for BCTF leadership. If now is not the time, when is?

      Should we only exercise democracy when everything is going well, when the climate is stable and beneficial to our needs? Under those conditions I would expect similar claims, that elections are not required or that leadership changes need not be considered.

      Should any assertion that an election is inappropriate be viewed as a statement that democracy is contingent on circumstances? If so, then undemocratic rule is considered acceptable and rule by oligarchy, in which leadership is seen as an entitlement decided by a small group rather than the general membership, becomes the norm. Leadership choice is reduced to mere succession, something imposed on the membership.

      I would argue that now, when circumstances are problematic for our organization, is the best time to consider leadership alternatives. This is the best time to reflect on where we have been, where we are now, and, most importantly, where we wish to be as the BCTF.

      I invite you to engage in the conversation on my Facebook page.

      Rick Guenther is former president of the Abbotsford Teachers' Association.



      Taxpayers R Us

      Mar 3, 2012 at 2:12am

      Nice job application, but you completely lost me on the whole "union activism" bit.

      While many of us parents want the best for our children in their learning environments, we can also see a whole lot of union work rooted in nothing but greed - more demands and higher salaries for people who are already seeing comfortable work in a comfortable environment while we parents live in the real world.

      The province is broke, private sector wages are barely keeping up with inflation, and the BCTF honestly expects us to support and pay 15% raises for people who are already set for life and get $4000 signing bonuses and such?

      No, thank you. The BCTF has had the province by the curlies for far too long, and you will not benefit from the hardship you're making us go through while using our kids as pawns.

      8 6Rating: +2

      Paul Steer

      Mar 3, 2012 at 2:38am

      I'm pleased to see that "The Straight" has keyed onto Rick's candidacy. His deep concern for the BCTF and the BC teachers we represent are his primary motivations, I believe. Rick is open, not closed to serious dialogue; Rick can be trusted to serve the membership honestly and well.

      18 9Rating: +9

      james green

      Mar 3, 2012 at 11:08am

      After 20 years as a teacher in BC and a term as a school trustee, I have one comment regarding the BCTF. This org is over staffed, spends too much money on operations and does very little to assist teachers in trouble. The BCTF is outdated and needs to be dismantled and a new body that serves teachers needs to be formed. Sorry BCTF but your time has come, End it.

      10 6Rating: +4

      I am the BCTF

      Mar 3, 2012 at 11:31am

      Instead of using the opportunity to advance his candidacy and suggest that, "...we need to improve our relationships with groups that are more directly involved in public-education governance and policy making." Mr Guenther could have pointed out how public education is being systematically dismantled by this Liberal Government. My observations are that we have always strived to engage in relationship building despite being continually spurned. It is not us being bulies it's them.

      10 6Rating: +4

      Jane Levene

      Mar 3, 2012 at 9:48pm

      This province needs a new government not in bed with the banksters. We need a government which truly represents ALL the citizens of BC, one that is ethical enough to allocate funds to benfit the people who pay the taxes instead of enriching those who already have more than they need. Stressing the educational system, punishing teachers, holding back funds so necessary for our school districts will only result in a dumbing down of our education system resulting in undereducated Canadian population who cannot keep up with inventions, innovations and research so necessary for our country to remain competitive.

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