Barack Obama re-elected as president of the United States

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      Five U.S. networks—CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox—have all projected that Barack Obama will serve another four years as president of the United States.

      His Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, has a slight lead in the popular vote, though the results haven't come in for the most populous state, California, which is expected to go for Obama.

      But Obama has at least 274 votes out of the 538 available in the electoral college as a result of taking battleground states Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Pennsylvania.

      The Republicans will continue to control the House of Representatives and the Democrats retain control of the Senate.

      Obama is the third consecutive U.S. president to be re-elected, following in the footsteps of Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton.




      Nov 6, 2012 at 9:05pm

      Re-selected in the puppet show, there goes funding to the anti- war movement for another four years.


      Nov 6, 2012 at 9:25pm

      Who cares?

      13 8Rating: +5


      Nov 7, 2012 at 6:08am

      can we say "how unexpected"? this is all so boring.


      Nov 7, 2012 at 6:49am


      Just Wondering

      Nov 7, 2012 at 7:43am

      Good for the American people! Good for Canada as well I think!


      Nov 7, 2012 at 9:25am

      Given the choice between a Fundamentalist Mormon who favors less regulation of the Bernie Madoff types and piss on the 47% (Romnesia's comment on the working people) of the Population plus Tax cuts for the wealthy 1%...

      No surprise Obama won re-election with a voice of moderation.

      Now Canada needs to vote out our version of Ryan stupid Steve who supports Communist China taking over Canada's Resources with the China Trade Deal.

      Mark Fornataro

      Nov 7, 2012 at 10:40am

      For all those God-fearing Republicans, let's hope the timing of hurricane Sandy-thought to be helpful to Obama's electoral outcome - was God's timely message to the Republican's saying 'don't mess with me you climate-change deniers- or you won't have a prayer!'

      M. Bizon

      Nov 11, 2012 at 2:13pm

      Interesting how Obama lost in every single state which requires a photo ID to be produced before voting. Now we know why the Democrats launched those lawsuits demanding that voter ID laws be repealed.

      No incumbent president in the last 60 years has won reelection with the unemployment rate as high as it currently is.