"Peace" and politics make for strange fellow travellers

During the Israel-Hezbollah war last summer, this column examined Canada's so-called antiwar movement, and concluded that its conduct was squalid, and its "peace" was really about opposing Israel.

I expressed support for the struggles of the Palestinian people, but I pointed out that there's another, much larger, war going on. It's a war against modernity, against the emancipation of women, against the Jews, and against everything any self-respecting liberal or socialist or democrat has ever stood for.

This time, I'm here to say Canada's main "antiwar" groups have finally, fully, and openly exposed themselves to be active participants in that war. And they're on the side of the enemy.

Two months ago, in Richmond Hill, Ontario, the key leaders of the Canadian Peace Alliance, the War Resisters Support Group, and the Toronto Stop the War Coalition joined Iranian diplomats and theocrats in celebration of the 28th anniversary of the Khomeinist revolution in Iran.

Cohosted by the Iranian Embassy, the anniversary celebration was, by all accounts, a happy and pleasant affair. There was singing and speeches, and on the same day, back in Iran the Khomeinist theocracy's defence minister was announcing the production of a new 2,000-kilometre-range missile.

Last month, about 20 Canadian "antiwar" leaders answered the call of the Canadian Peace Alliance and assembled in Cairo, Egypt, for a strategy session with some of the world's most foul jihadists. Among them were senior officers from Hezbollah, Iran's Lebanese client statelet that pioneered the current savagery of Islamist suicide bombings, and Hamas, the death cult whose stabbings, shootings, and explosions have taken the lives of hundreds of innocent Palestinians and Israelis in recent years.

According to the Egyptian English-language weekly Al-Ahram, one of the Canadian Peace Alliance delegates at the Cairo conference, Toronto's James Clark, told the gathering that Canadian activists use incidents of Islamophobia in this country to "educate and mobilize people". Clark is reported to have uttered the lie that the Canadian government actively and deliberately enflames Islamophobia in order to wage war in Muslim countries. Clark vowed that "the Canadian peace movement, inspired by the Arab resistance in Lebanon and Iraq, would work with Muslims to defeat imperialism."

The Reuters news agency reported that a surprise guest at the Cairo conference was a certain Abu Omar, a shadowy cleric who fled Egypt several years ago after the government outlawed and suppressed his group, Jamaat al-Islamiya, for waging a campaign of tourist murders and assassinations through the 1990s. Jamaat al-Islamiya's most memorable contribution to the struggle for social justice was a 1997 machine-gunning and stabbing spree at the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor that left 71 innocents dead, most of them foreign sightseers. Last August, al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri declared Jamaat al-Islamiya an al-Qaeda subsidiary.

One of the most notorious characters in this fetid milieu of Islamist and "antiwar" fellow-travelling doesn't even show up in the extensive and favourable Al-Ahram report that has provided almost everything the English-speaking world knows about what happened in Cairo last month.

That character is the author of the Al-Ahram report itself, a conference attendee by the name of Eric Walberg. He's a Canadian economist whose last real job appears to have been a gig with the president of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov–a dictator who reportedly kills his opponents by boiling them in oil.

Walberg is a regular correspondent with Peace Magazine, published by the "Canadian Disarmament Information Service", a nonprofit group based in Toronto. Walberg is also a frequent contributor to the Adelaide Institute–an Australian Holocaust-denial think tank. Its leader, Frederich Tí¶ben, has done hate-speech jail time in Germany, and was one of the more prominent guests at Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Holocaust-denial conference in Tehran last December.

The Adelaide Institute reports that Walberg has fallen out of favour with Karimov and is living in Morocco. James Clark and the others are back in Canada, and soon they'll be conventioneering again, at the University of Toronto. It's a four-day conference, May 10 to 13, called Marxism 2007: A Festival of Resistance.

Here are some of the panels and forums: Muslims and the Left; Islam and the Left; Hezbollah–Lessons From Lebanon; Israel, the U.S., and Zionism; Afghanistan–Canada's Vietnam.

Like I said last summer, this isn't about peace. What I'm saying now is: this is war, and these people are not on our side.

The Chronicles blog can be found at transmontanus.blogspot.com/ .
