Justin Bieber keeps them waiting in Dubai

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      It seems that hardly a day goes by without another zany Justin Bieber story popping up to amuse the masses.

      Except this time, the masses were not amused in Dubai.

      That's because the Canadian pop star left his fans waiting several hours for him to show up at a recent concert, according to the Al Arabiya news network.

      The tweet below summed up the feelings of many in the crowd.



      Maeve bolger

      May 4, 2013 at 11:37pm

      Two hours and 7 mins wait for 1.35 mins of videos and songs some of which were lip sinked, he needs a talking to and does not deserve the fans he disrespects, shame on him!


      May 5, 2013 at 2:14am

      Not fair u kept us waiting the concert was supposed to start at 8 But still u played all of my favourite songs .


      May 5, 2013 at 2:16am

      Your show was fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      May 5, 2013 at 6:44am

      fuck you ugly haters justin was under a lot of stress but he still showed up and sang for u i'm ashamed justin called most of you beliebers a family when all you do is complain family's stick together no matter what and it doesnt seem like most of you are even fans or beliebers.Stop complaining because most beliebers like me kill to go to his concert but they are all sold out because of you cheating cows.


      May 5, 2013 at 11:47am

      This generation has HORRIBLE taste in music. Hope it was worth the wait kitties. Maybe when you're finished puberty, you'll develop some taste.


      May 5, 2013 at 5:05pm

      Travelling abroad, you'll come across cultures holding no regard to time or respect for schedules of others - he must've been ill-advised about Dubai. Short of his entire entourage getting mugged by terrorist, this behavior deserves revoking his passport.


      May 6, 2013 at 7:05pm

      Justin Beaver is a little punk ass...