Trout Lake dog owners get a reprieve

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      Earlier this week, Vancouver park board general manager Malcolm Bromley tweeted something that the Straight had already reported over the weekend.

      The master plan for Trout Lake has been put on hold until a citywide dog plan is completed in 2015.

      Bromley's tweet was sent after dog owners in the Trout Lake area had posted signs in John Hendry Park warning that the master plan could have serious implications for their pooches.

      The canine advocates claimed in the posters that the board had planned to drastically reduce the size of the off-leash area at the north end of Trout Lake Park.

      This is the area that dog owners claim the park board wanted to fence.
      Charlie Smith

      The dog lovers also alleged that the park board intended to fence this area for their beloved pets.

      With Bromley's message, it's safe to assume that all bets are now off pending the outcome of the 2014 municipal election.
