Video: Onion News Network debate between al-Qaeda explosive expert and 9/11 Truth author

Who needs CNN when you've got access to the Onion News Network? Here's something from three years ago to lighten up your Sunday.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous,' Al Qaeda Says

This satire is way better than most of what you'll see on Saturday Night Live.



Pat Crowe

Sep 18, 2011 at 9:43am

Canadian left wing, conspiracy theory, satirical newspaper posts video by American, left wing, conspiracy theory, satirical newspaper of interview by American, left wing, conspiracy theory, satirical.....
irony Charlie. cheers...

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Sep 18, 2011 at 7:26pm

Yes Pat, everything not mentioned in the corporate media is 'conspiracy'. Everything your government tells you is the truth... Baaaaaaaaa!

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