Food Guilt

I feel guilty after I eat anything that isn't a vegetable or a fruit but I still do it anyways.. I tend to secretly eat things I know aren't healthy... sometimes when nobody is looking I quickly shove a piece of bread in my mouth or chocolate. Then afterwards I try and exercise to undo what I eat. I am nowhere near overweight but I still feel like I am fat. I don't want this to turn into an eating disorder.. Should I talk to someone? I don't know. I do know the key is a balanced diet, but is anyone's diet perfectly balanced?


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Why Feel Guilt

Mar 26, 2014 at 10:25am

Not sure what you mean by "secretly?" If you want to eat something, go
ahead. I'm ripped, and I still have cheat days where I eat something as a
treat. Food is the fuel for your body.

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ignore 'why food guilt'

Mar 26, 2014 at 11:44am

you're way past cheat-days...what you have IS an eating disorder. Eating only fruit or vegatables without any carbs is unhealthy. The guilt and attitude towards good that you havr is unhealthy. you need to speak with someone experienced in this area.

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Mar 26, 2014 at 3:14pm

i think you could definitely improve! Try calling yourself stupid audibly every time you guilt eat while poking at your belly, and think about calories, fats, carbs, sugars, pesticides, and our society's depiction of ideal body-type more often...that always works for people.

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Hello, this IS

Mar 26, 2014 at 3:20pm

and eating disorder, Treasure. Time to have a good cry and go for help. Been there. Love you to your soul. xx

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Mar 26, 2014 at 11:56pm

I think your awareness of your eating habits is good. Guilt Can be used as a permission to do things, which you know are dumb. So drop the guilt and plan for a reasonable amount of treat food each week, and see if you can stick to your planned amount. That will let you be balanced and still have some treats, without the drama. Good luck!

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Mar 28, 2014 at 7:03am

you need all kinds of food, carbs especially, fats, vitamins and minerals, to feed your brain, which is the important part. If you disagree with this statement, you may have a problem that could turn dangerous

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Mar 29, 2014 at 9:36pm

The entirety of last year was spent enduring an eating disorder which, reflecting back on it, was pointless. When I was at my critical lowest my heart my skipping, just as my meals were skipped. A friend approached me, and that made all the difference in realizing that people don't care about how I look and that being healthy is far more important than meeting the "skinny" standard which does nothing to improve your happiness. I know it's really hard to break habits like this, because of the controlled nature of eating restrictions and the mindset of a person dealing with anorexia. Something to remember with these guilty feelings about eating and the secrecy is that it isn't unusual for an eating disorder. Everyone goes through that stage. Talk to someone right away, because that's usually a sign that the eating disorder is affecting your brain - never a good thing. It's a long, long process of altering your mind to a HEALTHY state, but with support it's possible.

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