Saw You Smiling on the Bus

I saw you reading the paper on the bus just now. You looked down at the "I saw you" section and smiled when you read this. It was rainy outside so your North Face rain jacket was dripping on your yoga pants, and I saw you pick up this paper because you were bored and alone on your bus ride I think It's a shame someone as pretty as you are should have to ride alone. Next time you ride this bus, you should ride with me instead! It's a shame you are putting your beautiful smile and interesting personality to waste right now, but that guy sitting just over there seems cute, you should talk to him! I would love to meet up sometime, I am the varisty rower that didnt have the courage to come up and talk to you, we should ride the bus together sometime!

When: Tuesday, November, 6 2012

Where: On the bus

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