Your horoscope for July 18 to 24, 2013

Perhaps you’ve already witnessed a recent energy shift or lift. There’s more to come. An exceptional grand trine planetary alignment between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune continues through the end of July and into the start of August.

Signalling the green light to move ahead on major decisions, purchases, and commitments, Mercury in Cancer ends retrograde on Saturday at 11:22 a.m. You don’t have to wait, though. It’s okay to get the ball rolling on Thursday or Friday.

Also on Saturday, Mars in Cancer trines Neptune and Saturn. This combination makes for ease, acceptance, and accord. There can be a tendency to slack off or to feel drained, but should you choose to put ambition into play, the stars can be gifting. By evening and early Sunday morning, the transiting moon perks up the energy and gets more action going.

We’ll feel the energy surge on Sunday and Monday as Mars and Jupiter join forces. It could start small, but it can quickly hit overdrive. Mars and Jupiter take what’s already stirring onto a full brew, and pronto too.

Venus enters Virgo at 5:41 a.m., the sun enters Leo at 8:56 a.m., and a super full moon occurs just a few minutes after it treks into Aquarius at 11:15 a.m. on Monday morning. Take a leap of faith and meet your future. There’s exceptional opportunity for the alert, the brave, and the wise risk taker.

March 19 - April 19

On Thursday/Friday, you’ll cover the distance well. As of Saturday, when Mercury retrograde ends and Mars begins to pick up speed, you should find finances, ambitions, and/or matters of the heart to be full of promise. Monday’s super full moon fast-tracks a major new home or family-life chapter. It’s an ideal time to take that big leap.

April 19 - May 20

Mars in Cancer and the end of Mercury retrograde will produce a positive mobilizing effect, especially for personal ambitions, communications, and relationship matters. As of the weekend, the stars give the green light to make a major purchase or to initiate a big step, perhaps to do with legal matters, relocation, travel, or education. Monday’s full moon speeds up the process.

May 20 - June 20

Even though Mercury retrograde doesn’t end until Saturday, Thursday and Friday are also good get-down-to-it days. A social, travel, camping, or entertainment weekend can hit the spot. Monday’s super full moon forwards you on to a next page, perhaps unexpectedly so. Opportunity or necessity may cost you more, but either way, it’s worth the outlay. The end of the month sorts out the rest.

June 20 - July 22

A future prospect or plan sits on the front burner now. You’ll see plenty shape up over the next couple of days. In fact, for the most part, the stars keep life on a roll through the end of the month and into the start of the next. On Sunday/Monday, the full moon can pile on added pressure, but it also gets you past the past.

July 22 - August 22

Thanks to the end of Mercury retrograde, you’ll find you can move ahead with greater ease. Whether your interest lies in pleasure, investment, or romance, Friday/Saturday are excellent days to dive into it deep. Monday’s super full moon can toss something new into the mix.  It might not be ideal, but a quick concession or adjustment sets it right.

August 22 - September 22

The stars are about to send you into action. Saturday starts with an easy roll, but as the day wears on you’ll be ready to set into action. You’ll continue to feel on overdrive through Monday’s super full moon. The shots are yours to call. Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in Virgo set you onto a lucrative, fresh-start agenda. Wednesday is also ideal.

September 22 - October 22

Whether the aim is work, vacation, or play, Thursday through Saturday are ideal for getting a move-on. You could see evidence of the super full moon build as early as Saturday night. Sunday/Monday, the unexpected could challenge, burden, or rile you. Contracts, official matters, priorities, added responsibility, boundaries, or legal integrity could be tested. By Tuesday/Wednesday, you should have it well sorted out.

October 22 - November 21

Your stars are in optimum shape through Saturday, so seize full advantage of the opportunity while the getting is so good. Still, watch for Sunday/Monday to kick up some dust or toss something unexpected at you. Handle what you can immediately and allow for the rest to spin, unfold, or reveal itself in due course. Wednesday is particularly easy rolling.

November 21 - December 21

Thursday/Friday, the Sagittarius moon revitalizes you. The end of Mercury retrograde puts head and heart onto the same page. You’ll now thrust forward with financial matters, creative projects, and relationship decisions. Family and intimate partner bonds can grow deeper for some. Sunday/Monday can blast it wide open. For some, it’s a departure; for others, it’s a new address or major new initiative.

December 21 - January 20

Saturday puts you onto a good thing. Indulge or work it your advantage; your stars are at optimum through mid-afternoon. By evening, impulsiveness, cravings, or lust hits overdrive. The morning after can be a push, but Monday’s super full moon finds you going strong and working toward somewhere good. Tuesday/Wednesday keeps it on an easier roll.

January 20 - February 18

The end of Mercury retrograde will put you on an upswing regarding work, health, repairs, or emotional matters. Still, you’ll have to make your way through Monday’s super full moon. Whether exciting or disconcerting, watch for the spark to light as early as Saturday night. Sunday/Monday gets it cooking on high heat. Tuesday/Wednesday smoothes it right out.

February 18 - March 19

The end of Mercury retrograde puts you in full swing. That goes even more so Sunday/Monday, when Mars and Jupiter fire it up on Monday’s super full moon. Beyond an ideal time for travel and vacationing, it’s also an optimal time to move full steam ahead regarding creative projects, romance, or matters dear to the heart.
