Affordable-housing developer proposes tiny suites in North Vancouver

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      An affordable-housing developer has made a pitch to put small and more affordable homes on public property in the City of North Vancouver. John Kay, president of Affordable Sustainable Homes Idea Company, spoke to council on March 25 about ASH buildings, which have 12 suites on three floors, each with an “individual ‘front door’ entrance”.

      Designed for singles, couples, and small families, they have a small footprint. One-bedroom units are only 375 square feet and have an estimated cost of $165,000. Two-bedroom units are 450 square feet and are expected to cost $199,900.

      Kay is hoping that the city backs his company’s plan to build one of these projects on Alder Street east of St. Patrick’s Avenue in the Lower Lonsdale neighbourhood.




      Mar 27, 2013 at 6:44pm

      The suggested prices are not affordable. People working for min. wage or just above will never be able to afford these homes.

      Looks like there is a lot of profit to be made from units this size. The units are not so small. They are adequate but there needs to be a reduction in price.

      There are a number of blogs which deal with Tiny Homes/Houses. These houses are under 600 sq ft. Some as small as a 100 sq. ft. What do they all have in common, besides they have everything you need? A very small price tag. Many of these homes can be built for under $40K so where this developer comes up with a price tag of $165 is beyond me.

      You can go to Richmond and purchase a decent sized condo in an older building for under $165K. These apartments are large, with in unit laundry, storage, and gardens.

      Reads like just another developer finding a way to build and make a fast profit and using municipal land. In Seattle a group of people purchased a lot and got permission to build "Tiny Homes" on them. Everyone has their own front door, lawn, garden etc. Much more enviornmental. IF you took one regular sized lot in North Vancouver and built 6 of these tiny homes on it, it would be "greener" than a high rise and more affordable. $40K to build a tiny home and still have space to grow a garden makes much more sense.

      If you go on line you can find Lowe's sell a whole package to build a small "katrina" house. Everything you need for much less than this developer is suggesting. You can build container housing for much less than $165K. Government land should not be used so developers can make more profits and call it "affordable". Affordable is 1/4 to 1/3 of your salary. No person on disability benefits could afford to live there. Neither could a senior on government pension. Lets find something really affordable.

      Rich City

      Mar 27, 2013 at 9:51pm

      Is this actually a non-profit developer (registered as a non-profit society)? Please clarify.

      The size of these units is absolutely absurd. Affordable? Hardly. Livable? Absolutely not. These developers will use any marketing ploy to develop tiny units that aren't even affordable for those facing the highest degree of shelter burden (those making below 25-30k). Oh, and the developer wants to build on public land? What a brilliant scheme. I assume that they are arguing that they need a subsidized price on the sale of PUBLIC LAND to build these "affordable" homes.

      Another brilliant developer hoping to have their profits subsidized by the public in the name of "affordable housing". How about social housing and co-op housing that isn't based on a nebulous concept of "affordability" and absurdly small units. The arrogance of these developers is astounding. But until folks in metro Vancouver have had enough of their bullshit and demand more of governments, doesn't look like things are going to change.

      Lee L.

      Mar 27, 2013 at 10:12pm

      Umm... I guess you might have to pay for the dirt underneath, some parking, the Leeds requirement, sewage connection, water connnection, hydro connection....Lowes doesnt do that.

      And .. you might have to deal with pissed off people who struggle to pay a mortgage in Lower Lonsdale to be close to the water and see their public property and property taxes reassigned to somebody else who feels entitled, yet who wont live in Surrey, where you CAN buy an existing detached home all hooked up for 140k or less today.

      Just sayin.. I know its how I'd feel.

      To e.a.f.

      Mar 28, 2013 at 9:05am

      If you take an average North Van Lot - say worth $800K - and build 6 tiny lots on it, you're looking at probably $400K of cnstruction costs in order to get them to all fit on the property. $1.2M divided by 6 is $200K...which is more money than these units.

      Pay attention Council

      Mar 28, 2013 at 2:00pm

      Council members who voted to put this thru for a staff report need a wakeup call. What a waste of time and effort. There are currently 49 condos for sale in the Lonsdale area under 250K, minimum 610 sq ft. Another developer get-rich scheme.

      Mortgage Broker

      Mar 28, 2013 at 3:10pm

      For those that are arguing these are still un-affordable I find it hard to follow your logic. If you put 5% down on a $165K unit you would only need a mortgage of $156K. Payments on that mortgage at today's rates of 3% would be $743/month or $8,916 annually. Assuming you spend 1/3 of your income on housing, which is a standard amount you have to make $26,748/year. This fits right into @Rich City's comments of $25-$30K.


      Mar 30, 2013 at 10:32am

      Forget condos, build rentals.