John Furlong, Doug Keefe named cochairs of Vancouver riot review

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      John Furlong and Doug Keefe will head up the provincially funded independent review of Vancouver city hall and police planning and activities around the recent Stanley Cup riot.

      They are expected to report back to the B.C. goverment, city, and Vancouver police board by August 31, and the report will be made public.

      Furlong was the president and CEO of the Vancouver Olympic organizing committee.

      Keefe is a former Nova Scotia deputy attorney general.

      They'll examine how lessons from the 1994 Stanley Cup riot were implemented, the relationship of city and police plans to what actually happened, and the influence of liquor, and put forward a framework for future public celebrations.

      You can follow Stephen Hui on Twitter at



      Kwame Kains

      Jun 28, 2011 at 2:27pm

      It seems that Christy is paying back her Liberal stooges. Both Pam Martin and John Furlong seem to have landed pretty well regardless of the fact neither of them are qualified for either position. How is a former director of the Arbutus Club qualified to comment of riots and crowd control.

      Pork barreling and payoffs to cronies and nothing more.

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      Jun 28, 2011 at 5:42pm

      Glump, gloop, glop, snrrrrr, glug, oink, oink! I think that pretty well sums up my opinion of Crustys appointments.

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      glen p robbins

      Jun 28, 2011 at 6:27pm

      Well - to be fair - Furlong is a good fellow and a real winner vis-a-vis the 2010 Olympics. But his appointment is not a wise decision - Furlong is a professional - but it isn't a professional decision to pick him to do this. This situation is so loaded with political implications - mayors race - policing - Furlong stitched to Gordon Campbell as Premier - who is going to be Commissioner from Canada to UK - based on Christy Clark's assessment that his knowledge of the Olympics held him well for the appointment -- THAT to take the head of the VANCOUVER Olympics where policing was successful and place him in the Inquiry involving sport and Vancouver City where a riot broke out - is many degrees short of circumspect.

      I don't prefer to bring up the United States and politics - but the young children of the people elected in that country would clearly understand why this isn't appropriate.

      Honestly, I can't understand why we just don't get it here. It's like our top end is always just a little bit stupid.

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      Jul 2, 2011 at 2:47pm

      Government loyalists now investigating the government they're loyalty to. Will the public ever realize the truth about right wing corporate controlled political parties?

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