Rod Filbrandt


Rock biopics fudge the facts

Rock biopics are great at highlighting excesses, arguments, and abuse but they are often missing any real insight into the creative brilliance that made the subject worthy of a...

Bloated Coldplay takes Eno

The decision to make a Brian Eno album is in many ways the musical equivalent of a midlife crisis. Besides being a hipster band’s wet dream for hire, Eno is also a kind of Dr....

Politicos: who cares where they are now?

How enthralling is Global News's recent ongoing Newshour series, "B.C. Premiers - Where Are They Now?" Given the shameful parade of near criminal crackpots we've had over the...

Why must pop duets blow?

Flipping through the idiot-box wasteland one fine evening, I came across one of those frightening, out-of-control, mega-glitzy showbiz production numbers, the kind that seem to...

Whatever became of rockin’?

Are you ready to rock? If the answer is no, chances are it’s not your fault. Look around. Somewhere along the way, we have lost the rock song about rockin’.