Extroverted young pianist Lang Lang plays the Orpheum

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      Ten years ago he was a slightly pudgy teen with a choir-boy haircut and questionable fashion sense. Now he’s an international heartthrob juggling endorsement deals with the likes of Steinway, Sony, Audi, Montblanc, and Rolex. As for style, he now hawks custom-made black-and-gold Adidas sneakers inscribed with his name. Yes, we’re talking about Lang Lang, the extroverted young pianist whose exuberant playing has charmed and repelled critics in equal measure. (Some have even taken to calling him “Bang Bang”.) His Vancouver Recital Society performance tonight (October 30) at the Orpheum, featuring works by Franz Schubert, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy, and Frédéric Chopin might not be to everyone’s taste, but it’s sure to cause a sensation.
