Spartacus Books is back in business

Rising like Dumbledore's pet phoenix from the ashes, Spartacus Books (and did you ever think J.?K. Rowling and the consciousness-raising bookstore-cum-hangout would really appear in a sentence together?) is back in business, after 18 months' closure by arson. To celebrate, a fundraising party on Friday (September 9) features DJs, a kissing booth, and slacker coaching from the Work Less Party all at the ANZA Club (3 West 8th Avenue). Admission is by donation ($5 to $20 suggested); for info, visit The Kootenay School of Writing boasts the first regular reading at the newly revived space (319 West Hastings Street, 2nd floor) next Saturday (September 17) at 8 p.m. with Colin Browne and Andrea Brady (info at
