Vision Vancouver launches Better Transit Now campaign

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      Tired of bus passups, overcrowded SkyTrains, and general transit misery? Vision Vancouver is too.

      To that end, Mayor Gregor Robertson and his team at City Hall have launched a campaign focused on improving transit in the Metro Vancouver area.

      Called Better Transit Now, the push aims to put pressure on the provincial government to provide "sustainable funding for better transit in Metro Vancouver" in accordance with TransLink's 10-Year Transportation and Financial Plan.

      On the campaign's website, citizens can fill out a survey about their transit experiences and sign the petition.

      Canvassers will also be collecting signatures at some of Metro Vancouver's transit hubs during the campaign. This week, find them at Broadway-Commercial Station today (September 9) at 3:30 p.m., Oakridge Canada Line Station on September 10 at 3:30 p.m., and Broadway City Hall Canada Line Station on September 11 at 3:30 p.m.



      Right Said Fred

      Sep 9, 2013 at 12:27pm

      Isn't this just a Vision Vancouver press release?

      Shouldn't the article say that??

      It says it's a "News" article.

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      I am all for better transit

      Sep 9, 2013 at 12:27pm

      But am slightly confused at the vagueness of the campaign. What exactly is specific goal of this petition? Extended hours, more transit? Overhauling Translink? Requesting an elected and accountable board of directors? It's all well and good for the province to throw more money at Translink, but Translink has a terrible track record for managing it's resources as is. With each fare increase the service gets worse. Currently repairs to some stations are being neglected, while money for art is being set aside to "pretty up" the stations. For the taxpayers of BC to give more money to Translink, it seems akin to flushing that money down the toilet. The problem IS Translink.

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      Transit from Vision Vancouver?

      Sep 9, 2013 at 1:52pm

      If it was sponsored by the City of Vancouver I'd say it was the first sign of support for the Yes side of the referendum promised by our buck passing, finger pointing provincial government.
      The Vision branding makes me think the November 2014 election campaign has started, but the Bike Lane Party hasn't shown any real interest in transit the entire time they've been in power. Well, apart from pushing for a $3 billion subway that simply cannot be justified without 40-storey towers surrounding every station from Commercial to UBC.

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      Sep 9, 2013 at 2:34pm

      Note that canvassers will be collecting signatures at Commercial (Vancouver), Oakridge (Vancouver) and Broadway (Vancouver).

      Good to see that Metro (Vancouver) is trying to work on behalf of everyone (Vancouver).

      Perhaps the program should be called "Better (Vancouver) Transit Now (for Vancouver, Now)".

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      Sep 9, 2013 at 9:00pm

      Is this a paid advertisement or just shilling for the party in power? I don't trust Vision to do anything wise with our tax dollars and have little doubt they have already determined the results of this "campaign."

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      Sep 9, 2013 at 11:21pm

      We all pay for the transit system here, rich or poor; the constant arrogance and financial incompetence of the translink board of directors is insufferable. I have to pay double to transfer? How ridiculous is that? A petition to increase the amount of buses is nowhere near addressing the problem. Firing the board of Translink is.

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      Sep 10, 2013 at 9:20am

      The "article" notes: "Mayor Gregor Robertson and his team at City Hall have launched a campaign..."
      His team at City Hall? Like taxpayer-funded staff? This is not a City of Vancouver exercise - it is a Vision Vancouver exercise. And I suspect it's really a way to gather email addresses and contact information for the upcoming 2014 election. I would appreciate a bit more analysis on the part of Georgia Straight.

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      Glad you are paying for it and not me!

      Sep 10, 2013 at 11:00am

      Mayor Moonbeam's gone rogue!

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      Sep 11, 2013 at 9:29am

      Bike lane distractions aside, Vision’s initiatives are focused on keeping the money flowing into the pockets of their developer pals. Removing the viaducts (high rise condos), Oakridge redevelopment (high rise condos), Marpole neighbourhood plans (high rise condos), Norquay (high rise condos), Commercial Drive (high rise condos), Main Street (condos condos) and generally turning the entire city into Yaletown.

      But so far the developers haven’t gotten their hands on that most choice piece of land, the west side. But there’s a plan! Put a rapid transit line under Broadway to UBC, then bulldoze every building on Broadway and replace them with 40 story towers. Call it “transit oriented development,” with all the usual greenwashing (don’t worry, they’ll be LEED towers ...)

      But hold on, Translink isn’t cooperating! What to do, what to do .. hey why not a "Better Transit Now” campaign? Let’s put those f*cking hack citizens to work signing a petition. Down the road when those same annoying NIMBYs start complaining about the 40 story towers we'll dig out the petition and remind them it was their idea to start with!

      Vision "consultation" at it's best!

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      Sep 12, 2013 at 9:50pm

      pissed off residents gave vision vancouver a petition with over 12,000 signatures against development and it was ignored. on what hipster grounds do they think that any petition vision pays for should be worth a damn? oh and collecting names and emails under the bait and switch topic of transit right before the election year starts? i don't want to say y'all are stupid people but y'all are stupid people.

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