High-paying jobs in Canada

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      Lucky are those who can do what they love for a living. For a lot of us, our careers are left in a state of compromise irrespective of growth and adequate compensation. Sometimes, there's a feeling that something is missing.

      Hearing about the state of the economy, I wondered what were considered lucrative occupations. According to a survey done by Canadian Business, some of the highest ranking jobs were mining and forestry managers, with a median annual wage of $108,805. Statisticians and actuaries earned a median salary of $89,606 per year. An oil and gas drilling supervisor was at $79,040. Of course, there were many other positions listed.

      What was interesting to note is that a lot of the jobs were technical in nature and for whatever reason, jobs in creative industries like book publishing, graphic design, and the media were entirely excluded. Also, artists who make a living from their passion—like photographers, painters, and sculptors—were also absent from the list. It's almost as it they didn't exist. I wonder why the creatives were not mentioned.

      It could be because those industries are unpredictable. But still, I would be interested to know what an average painter or photographer makes.

      Those sweet people who help you with your teeth, dental hygienists, make a median of $70,720 a year. Who would have thought that?
