
I've been obsessed with a girl for two and a half years, to a point the preoccupation hinders my daily activities. Things were sour really fast, and haven't spoken to her in forever, and the last time we pointedly ignored or glared at each other was at least a year ago..but Wikipedia says these obsessions run an average of three years. Does this happen to anyone else? Am I wired wrong? The girl isn't even pretty, or so I think. Why won't she get out of my head???


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can't get you out of my head

Feb 24, 2013 at 8:02pm

No, you're completely normal, bro. Don't worry. It's common to be obsessed. Just try to change...your obsession!;)

welcome to my world

Feb 24, 2013 at 8:36pm

Soul contact...may be.

Lovely L.

Feb 24, 2013 at 10:43pm

I believe you may still be connected to her on an energetic/soul level. Those ties seem to take forever to break. It is normal I suppose when you develop a deep spiritual bond with someone. Obsession isn't the word for it in my opinion. I have experienced this same phenomenon with only a couple of men so far in my lifetime. I know how it feels. I hope you find a sense of peace. Godspeed.


Feb 24, 2013 at 11:55pm

Check out hypnotherapy. Not unusual in my practice to see people still pining away for an old crush yrs later. Your subconsious mind gets fixated on a certain event, and its like a rerun every day. You can change this...why waste another day....but you have to unhook at a deeper level.

the Voice of Experience

Feb 25, 2013 at 3:22am

Have you talked to a your doctor to get a referral to receive counseling from professional psychologist? Who cares wtf Wikipedia says? The only reason she is still in your head is because your mind keeps replaying the same stuff trying to figure out a one sided issue. "Things were sour really fast, and haven't spoken to her in forever, and the last time we pointedly ignored or glared at each other was at least a year ago.." Your ego refuses to accept that she's gone. For whatever reason you haven't had closure. Until you tell your ego: Enough! Stop! Learn to turn these thoughts off you'll stay stuck on replay with this. You are choosing to remain looped and hooked into this one sided problem solving for 2 1/2 years now and evidence its becoming an unhealthy obsession habit "to a point the preoccupation hinders my daily activities." You aren't living in the here and now. You're stuck in the past. Let it go. Let her go. You're avoiding life right here right now every time you think about her. If she is meant to be with you she would be here now. There isn't anything you can do to control anything about her. She has control of your mind and your life and she's not even in contact with you.Sorry. Best of Luck.


Feb 26, 2013 at 5:22am

thanks for all of the advice, esp Voice. I haven't spoken to a doctor would seem to mean I am admitting I'm insane, which I don't think I am. Blocked her on Facebook. Guess that's a start..

the Voice of Experience

Feb 26, 2013 at 2:52pm

Hey @OP. Good for you. I'd even go one further and get off FakeBook. Up to you though. Btw,You're not insane. We all need help when we're stuck. We don't learn everything from our parents. Other people are in our lives help us along the way. Personal growth is difficult and that is why very few do any personal work. I can understand your being stuck on replay because I've been there too. The main thing is you've reached out for help here. Eckhart Tolle has some interesting and valuable experience with pain bodies, egos, and being present. This is your life. Who ever you turn to help you in life is the right one for you. There's no right or wrong. As long as you can find peace of mind you're on your way. Best of everything to you.

languish, ugh

Feb 26, 2013 at 6:39pm

I have suffered from limerence.It's a brutal, creepy emotion. And if you read "I know that you love me", it can get so much worse. AHHH, like ten years and veering on schizophrenia. my current tactic is to tell myself, "I will shoot myself in the thigh if I think about this person for another 2 and a half years". I'm associating shooting myself in the thigh with this person. The best tactic is to get under someone else, but the new person needs to be equally cool, and your messing with more hearts. ooh spell-check, genius! but yes, almost everyone goes through it, some people are more prone to it than others, which is probably a good thing but doesn't feel so good. you will get over it. you will definitely get over it.

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