the joys of dating...

I was supposed to be going on a first date with this good looking guy that I've been talking to for about 2 weeks now. I knew him from school and he said he really likes me, can't believe I'm interested because he always thought I was out of his league, bla bla bla. But then this morning got a msg from him saying he can't make it because it's his grandmas 80th birthday. Our date was tomorrow night. I call bullshit. Eff you for getting my hopes up, did you not have anything better to do the last two weeks? Just bored and wanting to chat me up for a bit? He hasn't said anything else to me since that last msg. Which is odd because he texts with me from the moment he wakes up right until he goes to bed. I'm okay with us not dating but I just don't understand why people say they want to do thing's when really they don't?


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May 17, 2013 at 1:11pm

Well from a guys point of view, it sounds like he is doing something odd. I usually text a gal all the time as well when i like her and if we can't go out, its because of a good reason and i'll usually say sorry, etc but lets make plans for the next day or weekend, etc? The fact he hasn't texted after that shows he either lost interest in your or met someone else. Or maybe his grandma is actually having a Bday! but i have to say LOL at that. I've made up excuses before also and that's a pretty weak one tbh. Oh well, i'm sure you're a great gal, just move on and meet someone else who will appreciate you more. No point wasting more energy on someone who isn't into you %100. Good luck! wish the best for ya :)


May 17, 2013 at 2:54pm

he might have gotten an anxiety attack & didn't think he could go through with it.

you never know, girlie.

Miranda Nelson

May 17, 2013 at 3:03pm

Maybe, just maybe, it was his grandmother's birthday and he forgot that when he scheduled your date.

Look, I don't know you at all, Internet Stranger, but based solely on what you've written above, you sound pretty high maintenance, self-interested, and judgmental. You likely aren't that way in real life and simply disappointed about the cancelled date. I get that; it's a blow to to the ego when plans change, especially when you've been looking forward to them.

But have a little empathy for the guy. He probably already feels shitty about cancelling. And really, not everything's about you. If I were you, I'd feel good about the fact that this guy makes his 80-year-old grandma a priority. Who knows how many birthdays he'll have with her again?

And maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he is a total dick who just strung you along.

But maybe he isn't.

Martin Dunphy

May 17, 2013 at 3:48pm

There will always be another "date", but there's only one grandma.

this girl says

May 17, 2013 at 5:42pm

My guess is he knew your reaction would be exactly like you wrote it and he's ducked outa sight under cover --you know disappeared because he can't handle your apeshit overreaction to a simple change in plans. You're the one who got your hopes up and now you're the one freaking out. Chances are you'd be reacting and being the way you choose to which has nothing to do with anyone else. You're over-reacting and acting like a spoiled selfish demanding child. How sad your generation can't talk face to face or in real time on the phone. Texts are cool and make you feel special but they don't convey tone of voice or body language and there's no eye contact. All the technology in the world and you still can't communicate. If you had a conversation with him you could've been more understanding he might have invited you to the Bday party. But you blew it. He's got only one Grandma who's turning 80yo!


May 17, 2013 at 7:45pm

maybe your dreamy dreamboat just remembered he likes to suck cock. Or maybe you one of them facebooking highschool gals who try to reconnect with know...the semi normal chick in high school , but 10 years later ballooned to some big obese pig . ( posts some more photos of yourself from the neck up...that always tricks the guys into saying hello to you.)

Sorry but...

May 17, 2013 at 10:51pm

I disagree with some of the comments here. I think that always giving people the benefit of the doubt, and putting up with all their shady behavior is to be naive. I always use my intuition in social interactions. I believe actions are more often deliberate than random.

If he doesn't give you any sign soon or continues to behave oddly, it could be for a number of reasons even if he really likes you. (You should rely on your intuition whether you think he's a good guy or not.) He could be insecure and nervous about dating you or he might have some guilty feelings if he was secretly dating someone else. I've seen both cases.

In any event, he should realize that his behavior could be misinterpreted as disinterest, and if he really cares, he would make every effort to dispel those doubts by getting in touch with you and proposing another date. Otherwise, I don't think he is serious or considerate enough for you to waste your time further. Here, I'm assuming you are looking for a long-term relationship and not just short-term dates.


May 17, 2013 at 11:33pm

@ hmmmm
I didn't reconnect with him, he reached out to me. He came into my work and already had me on FB so asked for my number, I gave it to him. I'm not obese, not even close to being over weight. And he's liked me for awhile from what he says.

@ this girl says
I never gave him an apeshit over reaction, I simply told him no worries, and said "some other time". I'm annoyed at how eager he made himself seem. Only 3 days ago said Saturday wouldn't work because he had a dinner party with friends. THEN told me "nevermind I can cancel, I always see my friends" so we went ahead with making our plans and then the day before messaged me saying "Grandmas 80th birthday bash, 100 people, food catered, big deal".

My confession was just a confession about how I'm annoyed at the fact that if he IS coming up with excuses, then why would you act like you want to if you actually don't. He hasn't tried to reschedule with me, so yeah, preeeeettty sure it was just an excuse to bail out. I'm laughing because I know if you all knew the situation for how it really is and not what you are just assuming then you'd be just as annoyed as I am.

You guys would feel the same I bet

May 18, 2013 at 12:26am

Isn't that actually a really famous excuse to blow off ANYTHING? "My Grandmas 80th Birthday"? I'm on your side, if your intuition tells you something is fishy, then obviously he did things in a fishy way. If it's legit then I'm sure you'd be fine. Harsh that these people are saying you're going ape shit and over reacting, I didn't get that from your confession at all. And it's funny because everyone here would feel the exact same way you do and ask the exact same question you did. And if they don't then they are pushovers and probably allow themselves to be walked on daily, by anyone. I bet they're all in relationships that are like 10 years old and haven't dated in a very very veeeeeerrrry long time!!

been there

May 18, 2013 at 12:30am

I really liked and cared for this one girl. I thought she was amazing and smart in every way possible. When we made plans i get my hopes up but what I learned is to keep your expectations low. I know its a cynical thing to say but its true it keeps you from getting hurt. You have to remember the things you do for someone doesnt mean they will do the same for you. I wish someone would tell me that earlier so i wouldnt feel this pain right now. I still miss her everyday but she made me feel like i wasn't worth her time. so my advice is move on.

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