Not enough

I have so many projects going, and so many more waiting on the back burner. With so many things to learn and discover, and so many skills to perfect, how can one lifetime be enough? I wish there were more hours in a day, more days in a year, and more years in a human life. I'll need at least 400 just to finish what I've already started. I confess - I've taken on too much, and I can't give any of it up.


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Apr 20, 2014 at 1:52am

Keep going with the ones that fulfill you and make you happy. Enjoy them for as long as you can. It is about the process of doing things because that is where you learn things. Prioritize the ones that make you proud of yourself and that will carry forward your feeling of accomplishment. 400 years make each moment of life cheap. 85ish years means we have to invest our time wisely...but diversely is still allowed. Good luck!

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Apr 20, 2014 at 3:59am

the opportunities of time! I bake and make jewelry at the same time, or browse perfumes online while i'm teaching, or practice my swing dancing with my clients when i'm escorting.

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You Must Be

Apr 20, 2014 at 3:16pm

a coffee lover

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the exact opposite

Apr 20, 2014 at 10:32pm

Sometimes I am happy to see 9 pm come along as it means I can think about going to bed soon.
Lifestyle is a fairly lonely one at the moment. No matter how many projects or things to learn I take on, it doesn't seem to fill the gap of not being around people more in meaningful relationships (and not just polite interactions with strangers throughout the day).

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Your answer isn't...

Apr 22, 2014 at 1:20pm

To extend life, it's like this for a reason. Figure out the real answer to your question and you'll be much better off.

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