If only

People in this city cared about the homeless dude on the street like they care about a small child who drowned trying to reach Hungary. The homeless guy was once a child as well, and maybe no one was there to help him out. I'm not trying to lesson the devastation that is going on in Syria, but I think we should help out our fellow Canadians and Vancouverites before sending tones of help to someone half way around the world.


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Sep 4, 2015 at 9:50pm

I Agree 100% !!!!! That would also include the people who stand on the street chugging for charity for a cause that applies to issues elsewhere.

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Sep 4, 2015 at 9:58pm

The shit you're pulling right now, one doesn't pull that kind of shit.

You don't taking something terrible that happened and make it about something else you care about. It's totally disrespectful. I do not care about your opinion about homeless people. This is not about that.

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Sep 4, 2015 at 10:50pm

It's always been every lion for themselves.

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What part are you playing in this?

Sep 4, 2015 at 10:59pm

Are you proactively helping those here at home? What are you doing and what do you suggest others do?

Serious questions.

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The OP

Sep 5, 2015 at 12:18am

@ No. Human suffering is human suffering, it doesn't matter where it lives. I think its terrible that there are native reserves who can't drink the water or that there are people on the street with addition issues and we keep cutting programs to help them. I'm mearely pointing out how we as a society are so fast to grab the check book when it's someone far away but we won't help the guy down the street.

And as to my part? I help out in one of the soup kitchens on the east side, serving food. I would do more if I could but I don't have a lot of money or time to offer, maybe if more helped then the problem wouldn't be so bad.

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@The OP

Sep 5, 2015 at 1:08pm

I'm sorry, but in this case your spelling mistake is laughable. I'm sure there are plenty of people on the street with "addition" (sic) issues. I'm "mearely" (sic) pointing out that everyone should know how to balance a "check" (sic) book. I think it's terrible that so many people get through school not knowing readin', cypherin' or 'rithmatic.

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@The OP

Sep 5, 2015 at 3:00pm

Human suffering is prob. a lot like any other force, it degrades at a distance, so it makes sense to presume that human suffering closer to ourselves (e.g. homeless in our own City, Province, Country) is more important than human suffering elsewhere. Now, media can certainly manipulate this and attempt to focus conscious attention on far-off suffering, but in reality, the natural effect of suffering degrades at a distance, and focusing on far off-suffering won't alleviate the negative impact of suffering here in Vancouver, BC or Canada.

It's shameful that Canada thinks it can spend one dollar on taking in more foreigners before providing clean water to all of our first nations and aboriginal peoples, to say nothing of truth and reconcilliation with metis people who were forcibly integrated into Canadian society. Where is the free and informed consent from all of Canada's aboriginal peoples to taking on more human resources? Questions of resource development require free and informed consent from all aboriginal parties, Canada can't simply bring in thousands of foreigners without prior, free and informed consent.

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Sep 6, 2015 at 12:20pm

That small child on a beach is an opportunity for people to feel good about themselves.
Like the previous poster said, first nations children don't count because no one's jamming a picture of any dead or sick ones under their nose.
The fact there 20 million more Syrians stuck in Syria are looking for backyard kiddy pools to TRY to cross an ocean on and get to the suddenly big hearted welcomes doesn't concern anyone.
The coming deaths from this madness doesn't matter as long as people get to tell themselves they're charitable and wonderful humans.

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I tried

Sep 8, 2015 at 10:46am

I've offered numerous times to buy hot meals for homeless people who ask me for money. Some accept, some ask me to buy cigarettes instead, one took me to a corner store and tried to clear out the ice cream freezer, as if that were a good meal.

A lot of the people that are homeless and on the streets want help to turn their lives around and they have resources to make that happen. A lot of them don't want to make the effort - they just want handouts so they can continue to live without responsibility. Don't generalize and say that people haven't tried and don't assume that everyone living on the street isn't there because they don't have anywhere else to go. There are always options in life - some people choose not to take them.

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