I don't feel love anymore

I've been fucked over, abused, and hurt so many times that I cannot love another person. I just can't give a fuck about another person. They are all assholes. I try to but all I see is their flaws and how they might hurt me then I sabotage the relationship. It's a depressing cycle that has left me with only a few close friends. Even them I don't love because I'm just waiting for the day when they too leave me. Everything in my life has come with a catch. I want to be able to trust people and not wonder what their motivation is. I need help and people just tell me to talk to a Dr. I can't afford a psychiatrist or counselling services and I hate all doctors. I find they are stupid over paid dumbasses that don't listen and just follow textbooks. They don't care to talk to you to find the root of the problem they just want to push drugs to mask symptoms then rush you out of the office.


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Dill pickle

Mar 14, 2016 at 12:05pm

Shitty attitude...... And that was free- enjoy.

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Mar 14, 2016 at 4:59pm

you really have enjoyed rolling in the pile of 'my life is so much worse than EVERYBODIES eles'. Nothing will change because you are having too much fun with it!

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that truly sucks

Mar 14, 2016 at 5:49pm

people who arnt equiped with training might not be able to help, they might not be able to listen their perspective might kinda suck, they havnt been there, neither have counselors, who should really just be guieding and arnt a 100% either. but I hear you, maybe at one point somebody has been more helpful and enjoyable than harmful. independance is important. so is connection and it s hard to find the good people who understand

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I see why you're upset

Mar 15, 2016 at 12:59pm

The comments above are typical of people who have no clue about mental health problems. I would suggest trying to find a good doctor or clinic. Many psychiatrists are a waste of time, and it's true that they don't care about your life story, they are just trying to make a snap diagnosis. But there are lots of good family doctors, practitioners, counsellors, etc that do care. What part of town are you in? I have gotten a lot of help from Raven Song clinic over the years, (they are on Broadway and Ontario).

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