Viva la Coca el Van

Why does everyone in this city do copious amounts of cocaine? I am not into drugs really. It seems to many people just rail hard drugs 24/7 in this city and it doesn't phase them.


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Sep 25, 2016 at 1:07am

I know what you mean because I've been there and it's not cocaine. It's baby laxative and bathtub meth...100 mile diet.

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Sep 25, 2016 at 3:29am

vancouver is a very depressing shallow place to live, im not surprised theres so much drug abuse and mental illness in that hole of a fake city

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WTF Are You Talking About?

Sep 25, 2016 at 8:16am

"Why does everyone in this city do copious amounts of cocaine? "

No,it's just that all the people that you associate with,hang out with,and are friends with are the ones that do drugs.

Now what does that say about you and your choices in life?


Sep 25, 2016 at 9:44am

With the cost of living in vancouver - who da heck can afford cocaine??

I've lived here all my life (thankfully I have affordable housing). I've never touched cocaine . Couldn't afford it if I wanted to.

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Sep 25, 2016 at 6:53pm

What would give someone who's not into drugs the impression that everyone in Vancouver is doing lots of cocaine?

Do you actually know anything about drugs? About Vancouver?

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They bounce

Sep 25, 2016 at 11:54pm

back with their green shakes and cardio from Grouse Grinding it!
Party hard, play hard balance. With the human growth horamon injections thrown in there for good measure.

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I know!

Sep 28, 2016 at 2:52pm

I work at a bar so I see it a lot. I try hard by to associate myself with drugs and the people that do them but I'm finding it is basically impossible. I often get singled out and everyone around me seems to be trying to hide their party favours from me like I'm the "mum" at the party but seriously people. I'm not high and it's so insanely obvious that you are!!! Stop hiding it and quit being secretive. Just admit you're a drug addict!

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