To all women

I see what you're up to. I have peripherals just like everyone else. You're not being sneaky by taking a 'selfie' and angling the camera enough to get my face in the photo. I've had this happen to me more than once. If you think I'm good looking or weird when I show up in/around your space then that's fine....but I do not appreciate you trying to take a photo of me while you're making it look like you're taking a selfie with your friend next to you. I'm very aware of my surroundings as I analyze everything all the time...a trait of a Virgo. If you want a photo of me...ask me and maybe I will say yes (doubt it). I find it rude when I'm being photographed without my consent...even though it's very legal to do so.


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Jun 13, 2017 at 10:11pm

... you're just being paranoid? Or you could just tell them to their faces instead of passive aggressively finger pointing ALL women on Confessions.


Jun 13, 2017 at 10:30pm

Has been going on with me for the last 5 years or so. I noticed a woman at Woodward's take my photo. I thought she was cute, wed exchanged smiles etc. Then I turn around and she's full on just taking my pic. Nobody else around etc. She looked embarrassed and hasn't made eye contact with me since.

Ladies if you want to be my friend just walk up, smile and say hi. If you smile at me and give me a chance to catch up to you I will. If you are interested in me but walk by staring into your phone nothing will happen. Ever.

12 7Rating: +5

One of the shitty things about smart phones

Jun 13, 2017 at 11:13pm

Is that people can (& do) surreptitiously take other people's pictures all the time.
I've taken to wearing a scarf-bandana around my neck and pulling it up over my nose when people have their phones pointed in my direction... with both fingers raised.
They're quick to put their phones down.

20 6Rating: +14

Typical Virgo...

Jun 13, 2017 at 11:18pm

LOL, really?!? That was where your narcissistic rant lost all credibility.

Total Creeps

Jun 14, 2017 at 12:30am

I can confirm that there are ALOT of losers out there that actually do that for whatever reason.
They are Total creeps. They achieve official loser status when they post the photos on line.

15 6Rating: +9


Jun 14, 2017 at 7:41am

Thanks for the laugh pal! I think I just lost 5 pounds...

8 15Rating: -7


Jun 14, 2017 at 10:01am

Probably just paranoid. Just another Virgo trait.


Jun 14, 2017 at 10:03am

Narcissism anyone? No one is that interested in sneaking photos of you pal.

On the Other Hand...

Jun 14, 2017 at 10:10am

People who believe in astrology have a "trait," they're good at making unwarranted inferences.

All women?

Jun 14, 2017 at 12:37pm

I am a woman and I would never do such a thing. I don't even take selfies let alone pretend to take them whilst taking a photo of someone else. Maybe take the advice of the first commenter. Your confession makes you sound immature.

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