What's the deal with...

Most people I know seem to always do stuff. You know...go for hikes, or to the beach, or the pub, or to dinner, or whatever. My confession is that I don't really have any desire to do stuff. For the most part I like relaxing in my apartment and being left alone. That might sound kind of unhealthy. But as far as I can tell, it's a genuine preference. Doing stuff just seems like such as a hassle, and usually I am thinking about how I can escape and be alone again.


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I think

Jun 25, 2017 at 10:25pm

this can be common with more introverted folk. I do enjoy doing "stuff" once in a while, but in between those times I need a lot of alone time to be lazy and recover! I'm a pretty boring person...

28 5Rating: +23

Good for you.

Jun 25, 2017 at 10:55pm

Personally, I'm find the tawdry gossip tedious so I spend a lot of time alone.

My Prerogative

Jun 26, 2017 at 9:12am

I feel the same way. I figure if I have to spend an entire paycheque on rent, I shouldn't feel so bad about wanting to spend time there.

36 8Rating: +28

I hear ya

Jun 26, 2017 at 10:44am

When I was younger, I had some office jobs and was bored mostly, so come the weekends, I sought out stimuli. Day trips, hiking, raves, etc on the weekends. Fast forward to now (40s), I'm busy 6am-6pm, with people literally all day, and I dream of solitude and space. No stimuli on the weekends sounds awesome at this point. Sometimes we need the time and space to recharge and staying home on the weekends fits our needs. No shame in that. Enjoy luxuriating at home!

27 7Rating: +20


Jun 26, 2017 at 11:25am

You sound exactly like me. When I was young, I wanted to meet people, make friends and do all those activities you mentioned. I'm an outcast though and always ended up alone. Over the years, I evolved into an introvert out of necessity and no longer have the desire to go out and "do stuff" as you mentioned. I don't even try to talk to anyone anymore. I want to relax at home and be left alone. Its not really healthy as you say, but that's just where my life is now. I don't like being around large groups either. I always get left out and feel really awkward, so I also think about "escaping" and being alone again.

24 7Rating: +17

Love this post

Jun 26, 2017 at 4:00pm

Because I am the very same.
Happily single, love being alone at home with my books, movies and music. I work out at the gym every day.
I see friends now and then, not often.
It's a quiet, boring life by most folks' standards but it really suits me.
Don't miss drama in my personal life at all!


Jun 26, 2017 at 5:09pm

Nothing wrong here! Personally I prefer animals to most people

17 8Rating: +9

All things in moderation

Jun 26, 2017 at 5:33pm

Like everything, introversion is fine as long as it doesn't create problems in your life. I'm a lifelong ambivert. We are those people who are in the middle of the extra-intro scale. I do enjoy socializing once in a while, but for the most part I'm fine alone. The danger is when you spend almost all of your "free" time alone, because by doing that one can lose touch with the rest of humanity, or become dangerously isolated. I always think it's a good idea to try to challenge your comfort zone once in a while. You don't want to completely lose touch with other humans on a social level, since by nature and biology we are mostly social beings.


Jun 26, 2017 at 5:36pm

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be left alone. You've worked your buns off all week and what you deserve is downtime. Everyone deserves to have time to themselves to relax, unwind, collect their thoughts and just rejuvenate. @Good for you I agree wholeheartedly, gossip is a such a headache and redundant.

11 7Rating: +4

I get it but...

Jun 28, 2017 at 10:29pm

...there will be a time, all too soon, when we are quiet and still forever.

Preceded, most likely, by years or even decades in which we are socially invisible due to age, disability, the diminution of our peer group and our fluency with the culture that would allow us to appreciate what is going on.

That scares the shit out of me, and it lights a fire under my ass.

There is literally forever to sleep in. What there is not is an infinite amount of days to walk outside, learn, try something different, meet friends old and new.

Work is hard, I get it. What you want to do is sack out on the couch, I get it. Well, you should do that. Naps are good. Down time is good.

But there are times when you have to make yourself get out there. The only time you will ever feel anything is...this very instant. For the past is a dream and tomorrow is still approaching.

7 6Rating: +1

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