NO, I just didn't finish watching Okja

I respect those who stand on the corners and March for animal liberation but where are all the animal liberation supporters who are out there causing havoc in this city? Because all I see are folks walking around in their A.L.F apparel, eating vegan food and crowd surfing on the weekend. Maybe it's the generation these days but we are far too passive. We think just because we've liked some meme about veganism or take a selfie wearing a tshirt about animal liberation that we've done our part. I get that gentle protesting has its effects but hot damn, let's really start getting in the way of those larger companies.


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I Know There's A Point In There Somewhere

Jul 27, 2017 at 12:09pm

Besides just criticizing your peers. They sound like people that you call "friends" to me.

5 9Rating: -4

Kale eater

Jul 27, 2017 at 12:42pm

I just wish your activist spirit was as passionate about fighting for racial and gender equality. Not to mention economic justice.
But yeah, let's hear it for the cows and chickens...

9 18Rating: -9

@Kale Eater

Jul 27, 2017 at 2:16pm

WE live ina world where human life is most definitely valued over animal... plenty of organizations dedicated to improving things for our own species... the animals need their defenders.
Thank you to all the more active veggies out there!

7 5Rating: +2

I once...

Jul 27, 2017 at 4:32pm

... had a chat w/ a guy protesting factory farms. I asked him what he thought of children locked in elementary schools being taught to read and write. He started getting angry. Of course, he was all of 5'7, so I just laughed at him. Then he threatened to cut my head off. What liberation!


Jul 27, 2017 at 8:07pm

The most effective way to fight is financially and through media. With less people buying meat and purchasing vegan alternatives or eating less meat after learning the benefits of a plant based diet, things are changing.
Companies depending on animal exploitation to profit will die out eventually from lack of investment. No point in pushing the agenda on people when we are already headed in that direction anyway.


Jul 28, 2017 at 11:27am

There was just a march of about 150 people or so at English Bay a couple of weekends ago. There are protestors at the chicken slaughterhouse on Hastings every Saturday. Animal activists were out in full force at the aquarium. It is happening if you want to get involved.

5 12Rating: -7

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