


I was recently blown away by a conversation with a good friend who went bankrupt last year. They were content winning arguments online with people than having their business continue. They had had a successful or moderately successful business. In doing so, somehow they got very invested in their online view of themselves and that became most important. I'm blown away because they had a choice. Log off and continue their business, go bankrupt and continue their online presence. They're still my friend, but man what a weird trip.

I've realized I need therapy.

That's terrifying all by itself. But the idea of actually making a phone call or walking into an office is a bridge too far.

Untold stories

I keep hearing of more and more situations where people are staying in abusive relationships because they can’t afford to move. When finding a place to live is so hard, they’re choosing to stay in physically or mentally abusive situations and the fallout from that is affecting everything around them. Children in those families act out, addiction becomes a problem as people self medicate, crime happens as inner rage bubbles over, etc. When people are desperately unhappy it’s like a ripple effect that radiates to everyone and everything they’re involved with. It feels like we as a society are heading for a massive collapse where all hell is going to break loose.

I'm too much of a cynic

I find that all this negative energy I've had is getting too much. It's alienated me from family members, coworkers and even a few friends. From here on out, I'm going to re-evaluate myself and step back, not make a huge mountain out of a mole. I think it's about time I start working towards a more positive mindset. I need to see the glass half full. Negative is not only mentally and emotionally exhausting, but physically. It's literally draining and can really suck the life out of you.

Down Voters .... Frown Doters

But no worries. Although the inner-life pains and struggles we all are challenged with, there is a way to let go of the negativity and find the comfort of Universal love ascension. Don't worry, be happy.


Your client was crying, but you were smiling.

You were consoling a client, a younger woman who was crying. My guess is that you are her...