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Bird songs

Usually the street outside is very noisy with traffic on week day mornings and people going to work engage in conversation bits of which I can hear but now the air is silent except for the occasional person and I can hear crows calling loudly back and forth for the last twenty minutes. I think it is doing me some good to stop and listen while I drink my coffee and listen to the weekend covid news grim though it might be. I enjoy the warm sun blue sky and just listening to those crows it is what I needed right now.

South Park gone south

I used to watch South Park, but stopped catching up on new episodes. I honestly don’t find it funny anymore because it’s become way too scientific and political. Gone are the days of anal probing aliens, monkeys with four asses, talking poo at Christmas, and a robotic Barbra Streisand.

I don't know what to do

I live alone, my mental health is getting worse, and I have no one to talk to.

I am really happy

that all of the morons that went out of town for the long weekend are posting photos on social media. At least now I know where to direct my irrational rage in a few weeks when we are still social distancing and I am going stir crazy.


I've been thinking about how I have been feeling lately, and acting lately :) The only way I can describe it is : It's similar to the Netflix's character " Frost " in the series The Flash. The " good " alter ego side of "Frost " is still in there kicking around, but the" Frost " side is not letting her out anymore to get hurt. She is angry and she is not taking shit from anyone. Anyone !! But you can't stay angry forever. Fighting the unjust. Makes you bitter. It does however get your frustrations out at the time, shake off the rust a bit but still leaves you bitter !! Its no way to live. Salvation Awaits

I rely...

... on a subsidized Y membership to lift weights. With the Y closed, community centers closed, it's not fair. I can't afford to buy weights for home, nor do I have space for them, anyway. The police have their own gym, AFAIK most firestations have some equipment, e.g. they can get paid to d bench presses and eat subsidized food an hour a day if they like. It's just not fair what is going on, exercise is a human right, and exercise in this century involves not just cardio but strength training, and I _cannot afford any equipment_.

dam headphones

I was sitting on my deck this morning and a fairly well dressed male 30's jogged by on the other side of the street and as he passed the space between buildings, he spit and snorted. I told him that he was disgusting and he smiled and gave me a friendly wave as though he thought I was complimenting him...

For the longest time

People used to get annoyed by me because I had a ton of energy. But now that I am older, it is the other way around. I wonder if this is how old dogs feel around puppies.

Watching Dr. Bonnie Henry

on TV is like getting a warm, soothing hug every day. God bless you Dr. Henry!


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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