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Getting why we met... and why we failed

I was chatting with a friend about a guy who seriously entertained the idea of having me on the side if not leaving his marriage outright. The risk was too much for him, as he couldn't give me the courageous leap to claim me by leaving what he had or even by declaring his feelings out loud to my face. He hated that I couldn't be the side piece that allowed him to have both worlds. I shook up all he knew and he never forgave me for making him feel what he felt while knowing he couldn't be what I needed. We were both awful to each other trying to find a way of loving each other that we both wanted but couldn't have because we were both firm in our own terms. We were alike in ways that didn't help. He still hates me because, in the quietest moments, he still desires me and I ruined his plans. And yet, he's strong enough to bury himself in life to not think of me, the one who got away (he hates that part because it's true). I found a silver lining in this experience: I was able to empathize and give good advice to my friend about to go through something similar based on my experience with the man from my past. Communicate, be completely open and honest and be okay that doing so brings truth to each other's hearts, even if the result is realization that it cannot be. That is the advice I gave. No hiding, strategic gameplay, no withholding feelings or facts. All the things a healthy relationship deserves even if it leads to its end is what two people wondering about the love of each other deserve. To that mixed up man: I get why we went through it all. Such drama, omg. Oddly, I thank you, and I'm sorry we couldn't be healthy together like that but I hope you're at least content. I know you will always hate me because it's easier and I know you want to forget. I hope, if you can't forget, you realize silver linings that do add to your happiness in yourself and in others.

I wish i never met my husband

I should have known better. I cant sand the behavior of my alcoholic, narcissistic husband. I was ready to leave but he will fight everything because he can, lie and manipulate for ego alone. He is not my childrens father and im sorry I have put this man in their lives. It is my fault. I ignored my gut feeling but why? This is punishment snd i feel like an ass, an idiot to fall for his initial charm. For everyone who has ever felt wronged by me, I am truly sorry and I am suffering. Shame on him but shame on me. Now Im stuck with this.

Well that was weird

I was talking to an acquaintance recently when I realized that he was describing things he was seeing while we were talking, in a very random and weird way. Like he was just talking about something and suddenly in the middle of a sentence he said “bag of cement” and then continued the sentence. A while later his sentence included “red hat “ although that had nothing to do with what he was saying. I realized that he was seeing these things while we were talking, and I don’t think he realized that he was saying it out loud. It was hard to keep my face straight but I didn’t want to laugh at him because I’m sure it was just his subconscious, but it was awkward.

I just can’t

I have this friend who was never religious and believed in freedom of choice for women. Over the past several years she’s changed because her son and daughter in law apparently became evangelicals and when their daughter got pregnant really young she had to get married, and now she’s got 3 kids and she’s not even 21. I can’t pretend to be happy for them, I just can’t. This kid doesn’t even have a fully grown frontal cortex yet so she has no idea of the impact on her this will have. I can’t celebrate babies raising babies. Of course the kids are cute and yes people can choose what they want to believe, but this kid has been completely indoctrinated so in reality this couldn’t have been an informed decision.

I guess I am doing grief wrong

As far as I can tell you're supposed to have dead mommy birthday parties and post photos and make holiday notes about missing said dead mommy each and every year to remind everyone how deeply you are grieving. I don't see the need or perhaps I am just not narcissistic enough to remind everyone all. the. time. on social media.


Tomorrow is mother's day and all I want is a time machine so I can go back in time and not have kids. I love them completely, but parenting sucks

Call me picky

Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed at the overwhelming amount of errors in so-called news stories? I’m talking about things like glaring spelling mistakes and even worse, glaring content errors. I just read a news story where it started off by saying “the man” and ended with “she” and “her”. Which is it? It’s just so unprofessional and it’s obvious that no one is proofing any of this drivel. I miss the days of decent journalism.

Need advice about traveling

I'm a flamboyant gay cross dresser who wears pink skirts plus I'm 59 & will be traveling to Kentucky & Missouri & Idaho & Wyoming....& would like advice before going there....should I wear lipstick & high heels & should I buy a MAGA hat & wear a t shirt that is in rainbow colours & says "Commies Suck"?

Silent Promotion, Friendly Fire, Quiet Fire

It can be challenging discerning paradox from plan. The pursuit of clarity is a murky process. And being unable to see the bottom of a pond does not make it have depth.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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