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Chalk or Kathy Griffin

No way, I am getting tickets to Kathy Griffin. I'd rather eat chalk.

"Man Up"

Why bother "sucking it up" when you can just use your words?


If you can smell mothballs then you are directly inhaling the toxic insecticide naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene.

Thank you

You wasted two years of my life. For a woman my age, that's significant. But you've made me realize: You're a piece of shit. So thank you. Thank you for helping me understand who you really are. My friends and family and I agree that I can do far better.

Kids against Guns

I hope protest in the USA with kids protesting guns gets MASSIVE numbers. These kids have the right to be safe in school. If the grown ups can’t do something about maybe the next generation can. You go kids!!! Lead ... we’ve got your back.

Lame summer

I broke my ankle last week. The hospital originally said I was lucky that it was one clean break because otherwise I would need surgery. They told me to come back in a week to get the temporary cast off (it was a hard cast open at the front and back to allow room for initial swelling) to get a more permanent one. When I went in, a doctor told me that they had misread my x-ray and that I actually had also broken my tibia. I don't know how they missed that.. not judging them but everyone I know seemed pissed off saying they should have known because it's their job to read the x-ray and find out exactly what's wrong (it was the first and only x-ray taken). I hope I haven't done more damage to the breaks. Who knows.. if I would have had surgery immediately maybe the healing process would have been different. Since the accident I've slipped twice putting my entire weight on my ankle as someone left a pair of pants on the floor and I didn't see them in the dark heading down the hallway. I'm beyond depressed as I'm overweight and was working hard to lose weight for summer. This is such a set back and I'm going to be large and in charge again for summer. Not to mention a gross sweaty cast and no swimming. A loved one just passed as well so it really feels like life is crapping on me. I've always been a positive person who never let things get me down and always found the brighter side in things. I just feel like life is a joke. I know things could be worse and that I'm lucky to even be alive but damn.. I can't believe this happened. Be extra cautious when moving furniture and doing any kind of physical labor. I used to think those preventative commercials telling you to have a word with yourself were so stupid but it's so true. Unfortunately I need a plate and screws in my leg/ankle. I'm going to feel like a machine. Anyway.. blah blah.. just ranting at this point. Don't like bitching about it to my friends and family because no one likes negativity so I thought I'd bitch to strangers! Have a nice day, watch your step and don't roll an ankle.

Cultural change discussion

Deutsch Welles did a documentary segment on Canada. Specifically, in northern remote First Nations regions and Vancouver. The theme was globalization. They presented factual information on the housing crisis, changing demographics, and First Nations' attempt to protect their culture. I wish we had that sort of information transparently presented in Canada. Instead, it is heavily left-wing PC cannot offend propaganda. You cannot even have a real discussion anymore. The documentary is available on the DW live stream.

Unintended consequences

I think the me too movement was badly needed in many ways. Obviously women have put up with a lot of sleazy stuff and abuse of power for too long. But as a single guy trying to navigate the world, it has made me absolutely terrified to express any kind of romantic or sexual interest in a woman.

Lease Of Mind

To me it's worth paying double rent to not have to live with someone elses's habits and hangups.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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