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i don’t want vancouver to turn into italy, spain, china

why are there still so many things open? malls, chiros, massage, and offices full with workers. aren’t we supposed to be staying home? it should just be groceries, doctors, pharmacies, police, etc. let’s get serious right now so this doesn’t peak like crazy. c’mon city, province, feds... start enforcing businesses to be socially responsible.

Strange women...

I have asked out several women over the last year and when I ask it's because the women are making it clear they are interested in me. Little smiles, eye contact, presenting etc. When I ask them out they will either give me thier number or get mine and within a few days they will say something along the lines of ; "I'm not intetested" Now, it wasn't me that started it, so... So when a woman asks me to leave them alone, I do. No problem. I can see in each of these women though a certain disappointment that I respected their wishes. Some will make "big scenes" when I'm near etc. Then sure enough they'll start smiling at me again, or contacting me on social media saying; "hey there". I hate playing games. These particular games remind me of high school and yeah, I'm not playing. You asked me to leave you alone, so I've left you alone, for good.... I hope you understand that little girl. I'm looking for women, only.

brain trust

I'm the last person who has any of it figured out, but I've seen many people I like and care for act so foolishly during the last week, that I've lost all illusions. The way you choose to act in response to the current crisis says a lot about your level of smarts or lack thereof. Trying not to be so disappointed in others' behaviour. You can only control your own actions.

I could

really use a hug today. This shit is getting to me. In an already crazy and uncertain world, we have now lost human contact. It's so important. I am feeling the lack of it. Sigh...

Hard times

I’m really happy that I don’t have kids to worry about then during rough times. Even if we come out of this crisis in a few months, the world will completely change. Put climate change on top of that and I really can’t understand how some people still think it’s a good idea to bring yet more humans in this huge mess.

Am I overthinking

I really question whether people actually like me or not. I am a generally an anxious and sort of hyper person so I probably am a bit annoying but I really wonder do people just tolerate me or do they actually enjoy my company?

Front line

I'm working my ass off and burning out quick. How the fuck do I make this last more than a week or two.

Googled the person I’m seeing

She’s sweet, engaging, loving. She makes me laugh a lot. We spend a lot of time in bed but also spend a lot of time talking and laughing. It feels perfect. She told me about an incident in her past but I never asked any questions for some reason. She just said she was in a bad car accident and stopped driving after. She just never shared that she struck a young woman and two lives were changed forever. I wonder if she was texting someone... and I can’t wonder for much longer. I need to talk to her about it soon, but for right now, it’s still perfect.

Logging Off

I've signed out of my social media accounts and disabled the apps on my phone. I'm tired. I have nothing left to say. And I'm tired of what others have to say. I'm only able to sign off because I lost my job, which involved social media management.

Leaf blowers of the apocalypse

It’s apparently going to take more than a global pandemic to shut down the incessant drone of leaf blowers. Otherwise I’m finding the silence and peace of the city so ... restful.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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