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Bud W

I've been sober almost 5 years now and fully intend to stay that way. But god damn it I miss that warm buzz from draft beer.

No more pools

I'd much rather go swimming outdoors at the beach or a lake than some public swimming pool. I went to a pool in Surrey over the weekend and had a bad experience there. As soon as I stepped into the hot tub, I got this terrible rash all over my legs. Now I'm rubbing solar cane all over them in hopes that my itch will go away. I must be allergic to chlorine so no more public pools for me anymore. Good riddance.


I've been fired for my sexuality. I'm into BDSM and swinging and I don't hide it at work. I'm not saying that I run around telling everyone. But I usually tell people that I'm into it and that's why I don't talk a lot about my social life. That's it. So in my office a bunch of women went to HR and said they feel uncomfortable working around me because of what I'm into. I don't ever try to hit on women at work because I feel that it's unprofessional, but it didn't stop them from feeling this way. I'm not sure the legality of the firing, I mean if I was gay the men couldn't go to HR and complain. And the women had no reason other than "We don't like what he does on his days off" So much for the PC culture, it seems it only applies to some of us. I would have pursued something but I just wanted it all to go away. And now I'm in hiding at my new job, lesson learned.

New city, New start

I confess I can finally breathe deeply and relax knowing that I will never run into you again.

This publication called the Georgia Straight

I actually prefer to read the physical paper version rather online.....I guess to me it's the old school/gritty way, yes that may seem weird but I prefer to read it that way....the only time I read this online is for the Confessions (to read & post) & the I Saw You's

Giving up for 7 reasons. Time to join the dark side

1) We have so many homeless people 2) Students are in-debted to corporate education pyramid schemes 3) The corporate world is looking more like slavery 4) We promote immigration to fix our problems even though it leads to other massive social problems that likely will cost us more in the long-run. 5) First Nations, Quebecoi, and English Canadians are being turned against each other by those in power. 6) Canadian identity is being flushed down the toilet and labelled as 'racist' 7) Fentynol kills thousands a year and nobody puts tariffs on China, where it is coming from. I admit that I am voting Maxime Bernier.

I have decided to move away

To a place that is affordable, and where SJWs do not force me to choke on tofu (i support C.M.). Commercial used to be cool, diverse, and open-minded, but now the thought-police losers are taking over and ruining all the beauty in diverse belief.

I’m done fighting it

I love you. I have gone through every equation of why it isn’t real. I have tried to force it down. By doing so, it just felt worse. So here it is in a stupid confession post. At least it’s out there somewhere.

Clothing pricing

CBC reports that Wal-Mart is charging more for plus-sized women's clothing, but not plus-sized men's clothing. While that inequity between the sexes is unreasonable, I have a different take on this issue. I am a small-sized person. For years I thought it inequitable for me (and other small-sized persons) to subsidise the clothing pricing for larger-sized persons. The cloth and labour components are greater for larger clothing, yet I paid the same price for my smaller clothing. While I do not applaud Wal-Mart's sex discrimination, I hope to see a wide-spread correction to the injustice that I experience.

Lousy traveller

I've been one week on my own in this beautiful city and all I've done is work and stay in my hotel room binge-watching "Better Call Saul"...


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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